Archaeogaming is a branch of archaeology that deals with video games and archaeology. Despite their ubiquitous nature in society today, video games are very rarely used for archeology and media purposes. Andrew Reinhard coined the term archeogaming in 2013 and since then it has become increasingly popular in archaeological scientific circles.
Creed: Odyssey was released in 2018 as the eleventh installment in the
game series"Assassin's Creed," a series of
games based on real history, with science fiction elements. Historian Stéphanie-Anne Ruatta was credited with the coordination of all parts of the game related to the history and historical accuracy through the development studio Ubisoft Quebec. This page is just comparing scenes from the game with how they appear today with Drake Winston as a guide; for my usual history pages featuring Greek sites, see here for Athens/Attica and here for outside Attica.
The main conflict within the series is between the "assassin" and "templars" who clash over ideology about how the world should work. The "Templars" want complete control, whilst the "assassins" are trying to confuse the Templars' plans and leave people with free will. "Assassin's Creed: Odyssey" is set in Greece, in the period late 5th century BC, more precisely in the period of the Peloponnesian War from 431 BCE to 422 BCE and contains a whole series of real and fictitious characters. In the game the player explores the entire area of Greece as a mercenary (misthios ), searching for his own family because he was thrown from Mount Taiget as a baby and since assumed dead.
Similar to other such games, Odyssey was inspired by history. Ancient Greece was one of the most requested regions by fans of the series, and the era of the Peloponnesian War was chosen as the setting because it allowed the team to introduce well-known historical figures such as Socrates, Leonidas and Hippocrates. The works of Herodotus, who was described as the world's first historian, served as an important inspiration and foundation for the team when they were creating the game's world and story. To ensure that the game feels historically authentic, the development team embarked on a ten-day field trip to Greece and visited locations including Sparta, Delphi and Athens. Whilst the team took more than 13,000 photos during the field trip for research, they also made use of the Streetview function of Google Earth to study the Greek ruins. Each region was given a unique visual characteristic. The game's art style intentionally deviated from the popular depiction of ancient Greece, which was often filled with desaturated and monochromatic colours. The team was divided into a world design team and a level design team where one focused on making the world as historically accurate as possible, whilst another team focused on what was most enjoyable for the players. In addition, the team consulted historians in Britain, Canada and Greece.
Drake in front of the ruins of the Propylaea, the monumental gateway through which all visitors to the Acropolis pass. Propylaeus describes to us Pausanias (Paus.1.22.4-7), and were built between 437 and 432 BCE by the architect Mnesiklo. The original design of the building was innovative from an architectural and artistic point of view, but it was never completed in its entirety. The architecture of the building imitated the Great Propylaia of Eleusis. The northern wing of the Propylaea consists of a room, known from the description of the traveler Pausanias as the Gallery (1.22.6), because the room was decorated with paintings, including works by the painters Polygnotos and Aglaofontos. Also on the north side of the wing was placed the cult statue of Hermus Propylaeus, protector of the entrances and the propylaea. In front of it is a small Doric portico of three columns and the entrance to it was through a door flanked by two windows. According to some scholars, this room was a resting or dining area for the visitors of the Acropolis and it is possible that there were beds inside. The south wing of the Propylaea initially seems to have been designed similarly to the north, however, the existence of the earlier sanctuary of Nike forced the architect not to implement the original plan. For this reason, only one portico was built, in correspondence with the north, consisting of three columns. From its western side it was possible to access the temple of Athena Nike. The version from the game shows the Propylaea relatively faithfully, although without such details as the bronze lioness statue mentioned by Plutarch (De Gar. viii) and with stairs missing which formed the elevation on which the columns were located. The Propylaea was extensively reconstructed twice from 1909 to 1917 and from 1981 to 2010. For this reconstruction in 2013 they received the "Europa Nostra" award.
Drake in front of the ruins of the Propylaea, the monumental gateway through which all visitors to the Acropolis pass. Propylaeus describes to us Pausanias (Paus.1.22.4-7), and were built between 437 and 432 BCE by the architect Mnesiklo. The original design of the building was innovative from an architectural and artistic point of view, but it was never completed in its entirety. The architecture of the building imitated the Great Propylaia of Eleusis. The northern wing of the Propylaea consists of a room, known from the description of the traveler Pausanias as the Gallery (1.22.6), because the room was decorated with paintings, including works by the painters Polygnotos and Aglaofontos. Also on the north side of the wing was placed the cult statue of Hermus Propylaeus, protector of the entrances and the propylaea. In front of it is a small Doric portico of three columns and the entrance to it was through a door flanked by two windows. According to some scholars, this room was a resting or dining area for the visitors of the Acropolis and it is possible that there were beds inside. The south wing of the Propylaea initially seems to have been designed similarly to the north, however, the existence of the earlier sanctuary of Nike forced the architect not to implement the original plan. For this reason, only one portico was built, in correspondence with the north, consisting of three columns. From its western side it was possible to access the temple of Athena Nike. The version from the game shows the Propylaea relatively faithfully, although without such details as the bronze lioness statue mentioned by Plutarch (De Gar. viii) and with stairs missing which formed the elevation on which the columns were located. The Propylaea was extensively reconstructed twice from 1909 to 1917 and from 1981 to 2010. For this reconstruction in 2013 they received the "Europa Nostra" award.
taking a selfie in front of the Parthenon, also
called Temple of Athena, a former temple on the Acropolis dedicated to
the goddess Athena, the patron god of Athens. Made of Pentelic marble,
the temple was known for housing the massive statue of Athena made by
the renowned sculptor Phidias. The structure also held the city's and
Delian League's riches during the classical period. Although at first glance the building is faithfully reproduced in the game, some key elements such as the missing gables and the frieze, which is in the game but is not a recreation of reality. When it comes to the gables, it is an element that is repeated on all temples in the game showing a gigantomachy, although it is a combination of different scenes and characters, and it is not a complete scene that we can find somewhere in reality. Characters that can be recognised are Athena, Artemis (which resembles the Versailles Diana) and Heracles (resembling the Heracles from the East pediment of the temple of Afaia in Aegina displayed here in Munich), whilst the wounded warriors in the corners are also modelled after the warriors of Aegina. In addition, all gables in the game are made of bronze, which is incorrect; the characters could have had bronze details like weapons, but they were not completely made of bronze. It's obviously a development team looked for inspiration in various other gables, and they made one of their own, which they then used for all temples within the game.

The Erechtheion was an ancient Greek temple on the north side of the Acropolis Sanctuary in Athens. The most significant site of worship on the acropolis, the temple was known for its caryatids and was dedicated to the Greek gods Poseidon and Athena. In addition, it was also dedicated to Erechtheus and Kekrops, two legendary kings of Athens, the latter of whom was said to have been buried beneath the portico. The Olive Tree of Athena was located west of the temple. During the Peloponnesian War in Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey, the temple was visited by the Spartan misthios Kassandra. The Erechtheion is a landmark in the game, situated on the Akropolis Sanctuary. The temple is an anachronism in the game as construction of the temple only began in 421 BCE, a year after the game's conclusion, and completed in 406 BCE. The model of the Porch of the Caryatids was also used in Assassin's Creed: Origins in an unnamed place of worship in the poor district of Alexandria.
Herodotus mentions the buildings on the Acropolis on a couple of occasions, during his visits to Athens between 460 and 440 BCE, mentioning the temple of Erechtheus (viii.55) and the megaron (vi.77) which today is identified with part of the old temple of Athena on the Acropolis. Pausanias (1.26.5) also mentions Eerechtheus, although his description is more devoted to religious actions than the visual appearance of the building itself. Construction of the classical version of Erechtheus which appears in the game lasted between 421 and 406 BCE. However, according to archaeological finds near Erechtheus were supposed to contain the remains of past buildings, which in the game do not exist. The Erechtheum within the game was therefore built a decade too early and is missing in the surrounding area parts of the old temple of Athena, but the building found in the game is a fairly faithful copy of the building that is currently seen on the Acropolis. This includes the painted Caryatids, their number and position almost identical to those in reality. Thus although the existence of this building within the game is an anachronism, it is almost impossible to imagine the Acropolis without it today, and therefore it is understandable why the creators decided to put it in the game.
Drake Winston standing atop the Areopagus which
was a small hill facing the Acropolis Sanctuary of Athens. In Greek
mythology, this was the hill was where Ares was judged for killing one
of Poseidon's sons. During the Classical period, the hill served as the
court for significant cases, and the name "Areopagus" is still used to
refer to the Supreme Civil and Criminal Court of Greece for this reason.
It is referred to in Acts xvii.16-34 as the setting for the Apostle
Paul's Areopagus sermon during his visit to Athens, notably leading to
the conversion of Dionysius the Areopagite although it's unclear whether
Paul gave his speech before the Areopagus council in the setting of a
judicial investigation or trial, or on the physical location of the
Areopagus hill here where I'm standing. The
Areopagus ceased operation as a political council by at least the early
5th century CE, according to Theodoret of Cyrus.
The Pnyx shown in the game on the right and Drake and I standing beneath it looking towards the acropolis. The site was used for popular assemblies in Athens and looks down on the ancient Agora, which was the commercial and social centre of the city. Here, all the great political struggles of Athens of the "Golden Age" were fought out. Pericles, Aristides and Alcibiades spoke here, within sight of the Parthenon, temple of Athena. Here too Demosthenes delivered his vilifications of Philip of Macedon, in his famous Philippics. The entire current archaeological site was also an important sacred site, which was dedicated to the "Father of men and gods", Zeus , who was considered the great protector of the Athenian state. For this purpose there was also the great Altar of Agoraeus Dios. From the end of the 4th century, the space remained only sacred, since the assemblies of the Athenians were moved to the Dionysian theatre .
The Temple of Poseidon at Sounion
Drake at Sounion, first known to us from the Odyssey (iii.278-283). However, in the 5th century BCE Poseidon's sanctuary wasn't located here. Although there was also a smaller temple dedicated to Athena here in 338, it doesn't actually feature in the game. The original archaic temple of Poseidon, which was built of tufa, was probably destroyed in 480 BCE by the Persian troops, during Xerxes I 's invasion of Greece. Although there is no direct evidence of the situation in Sounion at the time, Xerxes had certainly captured the temple of Athena, and everything else on the Acropolis of Athens was razed as punishment for defiance of the Athenians. However, some archaeologists have argued that the archaic temple was destroyed by some other cause; Stais, for example, believes that the collapse of the temple could be due to the force of strong winds blowing in the area or an earthquake. Based on the architectural style of the remains, archaeologists argue that the archaic temple was built around 500 BCE. It is worth noting that the construction of such a luxurious building probably required the receipt of large funds and administrative support from the state of Athens. Given the evidence of advanced organisations devoted to administration and finance, Athens was able to support the construction of such temples.After the Athenians defeated Xerxes at the naval battle of Salamis, they placed an enemy trireme, a warship with three banks of oars, at Sounion as a victory trophy, dedicated to Poseidon.
The temple of Poseidon in Sounion was built in the period between the years 444 - 440 BCE during the era of Pericles. It was built on the ruins of a temple dating back to the Archaic period. The Greek geographer Strabo said the following about the ancient temple of Poseidon: “Geraistos [in Evia]... is conveniently situated for those traveling across Asia to Attica, as it is close to Sounion. It has the sacred temple (hierona) of Poseidon, the most remarkable of them in that place, and also a notable settlement." The decision to build the temple in Sounion is supposed to be related to the visibility of the temple from the sea routes to and from Piraeus which provided the main advantage of the temple's geographical location. Akrotiri of Souni is located at the beginning of the Myrtoos Pelagos and at the edge of the Argosaronic gulf and thus, the temple can be seen from many different sea links. The temple of Poseidon could also be used as a control centre, since its position has great visibility in the sea around Attica. After the battle with the Persians at Marathon, the Athenians were weakened and vulnerable to naval strikes. Athens at that time faced nearby enemies, such as the island of Aegina, who could take advantage of the decimated Athenian army by attacking by sea. Athens therefore needed a garrison, for which Cape Sounion was the perfect place, since anyone traveling to the coast of Attica had to go round it. Thus, building the temple right next to the sea was a military tactic to secure an outpost in a high traffic area in order to monitor enemy movements.
The temple itself has a standard Doric appearance, with six columns on the front and backsides and thirteen columns on the sides. It is assumed that this temple was built by the same architect who also built the temple of Hephaestus on the Athenian Agora. The metopes of the temple depicted hunting scenes and a centauromachy. Whilst we don't know what was on the gables, one figure has been preserved of an unidentified woman sitting. The temple is relatively well preserved with nine columns on the south and six on the north side with another on the east side. In the game, the temple is located at the very southern end of Attica. As with all other temples represented it has the same composition of the gigantomachy but lacks any metope and is also wrong in giving the temple twelve columns on the sides instead of thirteen. However, the biggest mistake is the fact that the temple in the game is Ionic instead of Doric. The player only visits Sounion in the game to kill one villain.
Drake at the foot of the Sacred Road leading to the original sacred precinct. From here it climbed north-east to the terrace of the temple of Apollo, and reached the temple terrace at its south-east corner. From there one reached the temple and altar of Apollo, in the immediate vicinity of which stood the Serpent Column , a votive gift donated by the Greeks after their victory over the Persians. The Sacred Way was lined with anathema and the treasuries built by the Greek cities and poleis to store their offerings. In contrast to the neatly lined up or grouped treasury houses of other sanctuaries like Olympia or Delos the treasury at Delphi was only loosely arranged. Although they were mostly located along the Holy path, they also filled free spaces off this path, occupying the available area unregulated, sometimes occupying special places for reasons of representation, sometimes reacting to existing treasury houses with competing buildings. In between, larger and smaller votive gifts were interspersed, until the decreasing space forced the remaining gaps to be filled. Only thirteen treasury buildings mentioned in ancient tradition - especially by Pausanias , but also by Herodotus, Plutarch, Appian and Strabo - for Delphi are compared to the foundations and building remains of 32 excavated treasury buildings alone in the area of the sanctuary of Apollo which testify to the considerable effort involved in their foundation, which was expressed in the material and building decorations. Ten of the buildings in the Apollon district, mostly from the 6th century BCE have been identified with certainty, partly based on the date, partly on the basis of the pictorial decoration or even, as in the case of Cnidus, the surviving dedicatory inscription. BC, some in the 5th century BC. B.C., last the treasury of Thebes only 346 BC erected.

Drake in front of the Athenian Treasury. The date of construction is still an issue of controversy; Dinsmoor says that the generally accepted date is after 490 BCE is too late for him. In any case, it is a treasury in the classical style with two columns set between two pilasters. On its two gables it had reliefs. On the facade of the temple (east side) it represented the meeting of two heroes in front of a deity. On the west side it represented battle scenes. Most of these gables are not preserved however. It was located on a podium with steps only on the front side, and contained metopes and gables. The metopes contained three themes: Theseus' exploits, the Amazonomachy and the labours of Heracles. In the game, the treasury is in the same position, but it is slightly lower and the podium has access steps.
The gables are painted and on them we can see the same representation of the gigantomachy as on all the other gables within the game. The metopes are also repeated and on them are the same tasks of Heracles which we see in all the temples depicted in the game. In reality the Treasury had thirty sculpted metopes around its perimeter with six on the east side and the rear on the west), and nine on the two sides facing north and south. The metopes of the façade depicted scenes from the Battle of the Amazons. On the south side the nine metopes represented the exploits of Theseus, whilst the corresponding metopes on the north side represented the labours of Hercules as shown in the game if not accurately. Two different styles could be distinguished; a more strict and archaic one in the labours of Hercules, and a rather modernist and classical one through the exploits of Theseus. The difference in the subject of the metopes is interesting in that it may refer to the change of government in Athens with the prevalence of Democracy.
temple in the game has gables again following the same composition- a
gigantomachy and in the middle of both sides of the temple there is a
large bronze shield. The metopes aren't mentioned by Pausanias, but by
Euripides (Ion , 184-218), who tells us that they showed scenes in which
gods or heroes defeated monsters. In the game however, the same metopes
with Heracles's labours are repeated. Pausanias (10.24.4) tells us and
the interior of the temple. Thus, according to him, there were statues
of Poseidon, two destinies and Zeus instead of the third fate, the statue
of Apollo and so on. But in the game there is only a marble statue in
the room showing Apollo in conflict with a snake, probably Python, whom according
to legend (Hyg. Fabulae ,140) killed in the place where his temple was
located and after which he received the epithet Pythios. At the end
of the cell there was a door that led to an additional room (adyton)
into which they were allowed only prophetesses (pythia) could go, and
there was a golden statue of Apollo (Paus. 10.24.5). This room is not
available to the player during the game, but in educational mode, both
are available premises. But in this forbidden room there are only
treasures and tripods.
the western side of the temple was a bronze statue of a charioteer with
four horses; a quadriga. The statue collapsed in a rock fall during the
earthquake that destroyed the temple in 373 but remained preserved.
Fragments of a horse and part of a stone pedestal on which the whole
composition was found. According to the inscription on the pedestal, one
can date the composition to the period between 480 and 460 BCE. not
Kočijaš, today famous as the charioteer from Delphi was made entirely of
bronze, and even its colour has been preserved white eyes, brown irises
and black pupils.

largest building in Delphi- the temple of Apollo. The temple had six
stages in its life according to legend as recorded by Pausanias (10.5.9)
In the first phase it was made of wicker, the second phase of wax and
feathers and the third of bronze (Paus. 10.5.11). The fourth phase of
the temple is the first for which we have material remains, but given
that the temple was destroyed in a fire in 548 BCE.we are left with only
fragments of columns and capitals and a few wall blocks. The fifth
stage of the temple is that which is shown in the game. After the fire,
the temple was built in a peripteral hexastyle with fifteen columns on
the sides. In 373 BCE the earthquake that completely destroyed the fifth
phase of the temple saw a new one, the sixth, built. Pausanias gives us
a description of the pediment (10.19.4), and the gables from the sixth
phase of the temple. Reconstructing the gables of the fifth phase
according to archaeological excavations, it is known that Apollo's
arrival to Delphi was located on the eastern gable. In the centre was a
chariot with four horses beside which were Leto and Artemis, whilst at
the ends were lions attacking animals. Little is known about the western
gable, except from a few remains which suggested that it was a

the great earthquake of 373 BC, the violent fall of rocks and earth in
the square of the temple caused the destruction of the archaic temple
and crushed the works of art that were there such as the statue of
and protected under the earth that covered it for centuries, it managed
to escape destruction from the occasional raids or the systematic
removal of sculptures by the Roman emperors or the destruction that was
the common fate of almost all the bronze works of the sanctuary in later
years. Its excavation in 1896 brought it back to light, almost intact,
with the green patina protecting it from corrosion. Its discovery,
understandably, was accompanied by great excitement, as it was then the
only large-scale classical bronze statue. Along with the bronze parts of
the votive offering, a part of its stone pedestal was also found, in
which a couplet fragment of its metered dedicatory inscription is
preserved. As for the artist of the work and the school to which it
belongs, there is great dichotomy among researchers. It is probably the
work of Pythagoras of Samios, a great coppersmith, exiled during the
Deinomenid period to Rigio in Calabria. According to the sources, the
figures of Pythagoras are characterised by rhythm, symmetry and special
care in rendering details. However, opinions have also been expressed in
favour of Kritias or Kalamis.

attention to detail on this statue is remarkable, from the eyelashes,
eyebrows, strands of hair to the veins visible on his limbs, allowing
figure to become alive before our eyes and allowed the creators of the
game allowed players to see it from all angles, as it may have once
Assassin's Creed's reconstruction of the serpent column built to commemorate the Greeks who fought and defeated the Persians at the Battle of Plataea in 479 BCE
eventually relocated to Constantinople by Constantine the Great in 324.
This bronze column in the shape of intertwined snakes was created from
melted-down Persian weapons, acquired in the plunder of the Persian
camp, and was erected at Delphi, commemorating all the Greek city-states
that had participated in the battle, listing them on the column, and
thus confirming some of Herodotus's claims. Most of it still survives in
the Hippodrome of Constantinople. Plataea, with Mycale, have great
significance in ancient history as the battles that decisively ended the
second Persian invasion of Greece, thereby swinging the balance of the
Græco-Persian Wars in favour of the Greeks, preventing the Persians from
conquering all of Greece, although they paid a high price by losing
many of their men. Whilst the Battle of Marathon showed that the
Persians could be defeated, and the Battle of Salamis saved Greece from
immediate conquest, Plataea and Mycale effectively ended that threat
even though neither of these battles is nearly as well known as
Thermopylae, Salamis or Marathon. The reason for this discrepancy is not
entirely clear; it might, however, be a result of the circumstances in
which the battle was fought. The fame of Thermopylae certainly lies in
the doomed heroism of the Greeks in the face of overwhelming numbers and
Marathon and Salamis perhaps because they were both fought against the
odds, and in dire strategic situations. Conversely, the Battles of
Plataea and Mycale were both fought from a relative position of Greek
strength, and against lesser odds; the Greeks, in fact, sought out
battle on both occasions.
North of the Temple of Apollo is the theatre, one of the best preserved to this day in Greece. This theatre presents us with a problem because it was built only in the 4th century which means that in the time of the game (431-422 BC) it should not exist and yet it is depicted in the game in its full glory.
Another view of the theatre looking down towards the temple of Apollo

The last building encountered in Delphi in the game is the tholos. It
appears in the game only briefly, as part of the main mission
"Consulting a Ghost" and in the flashback when Leonida visits Delphi
("Bully the Bullies"). There were in fact two tholos in
the sanctuary of Athena Pronaeus, the earlier and later. The earlier
type was built around 580 BC. not 260 but it was demolished and its
material was used for the construction of the Sikion treasury, i.e. its
foundations around 500 BC. The original position of this tholos is not
known since all the material was reused, but from the parts found within
the foundations of the Sikion Treasury, it was reconstructed that it
consisted of an outer row of thirteen Doric columns and the inner
circular cell. The second tholos was built in the 4th century BCE
between 390 and 380, and the architect was Theodore of Phocaea.
According to the architectural remains that are still standing today and
archaeological finds, this tholos consisted of an outer row of 20 Doric
columns, with the inner circular whole, inside which there were 10 more
Corinthian columns. On the outside part, there were metopes with scenes
from the Amazonomachy and Centauromachy, while on the inner one part
were metopes with the deeds of Heracles and Theseus. With all this
information in mind, the tholos within the game presents the player with
a certain problem. Firstly, in the period in which the game takes
place, this tholos does not exist having been erected thirty to 40 years
later while the old tholos was demolished approximately seventy years
earlier. This brings one to the next problem, which is its appearance.
The tholos in the game has twelve Doric columns and no pillars within
the cella which would mean that it is the appearance of an older temple
(although one pillar is missing). The tholos lacks metopes entirely.
Furthermore, the tholos is under construction which again, according to
the dating, is inaccurate for both the older and younger type.

game's designers put these few details into the temple, but the
only real mistake is that these Nikes are shown as having been
made of marble or limestone instead of
bronze. The temple also had a
gallery which went around the whole but like the Parthenon, there
is no gallery inside the game. Of the gables and metopes,
Pausanias (5.10.8-9) records how the western side depicts the
fight between Lapiths and centaurs (centauromachy), whilst in the east
is the preparation of Pelops and Oenomaius for their chariot race,
whilst the twelve labours of Heracles are found on the metopes, which is
confirmed by archaeological remains. Unfortunately, the game repeats the same
problem as with all other temples in that on the pediments- instead of a
centauromachy or Pelops and Oenomais, there is a combination of
previously made characters (the same characters already seen on the
Parthenon, only in a different form of combination), whilst on the
metopes the tasks of Heracles (which in this case are partially correct)
some of which are repeated. On the architrave are bronze shields that
are described by Pausanias (5.10.5),
although he says that they were gilded and donated by the Roman general
Mummius in 146 BCE), which does not fit into the period of the game.
Another detail on the architrave which appears to be an artistic freedom
of the game creators are engraved names of sports in the Olympic Games.
The problem with the metopes and their appearance in the game is the
fact that the outer metopes were smooth and bronze shields were placed
on them, whilst representations of Heracles were on the inside (in the
pronaos andopisthodom). In the game, the outer metopes depict the tasks
of Heracles whilst the bronze shields are placed on the architrave. The
entire temple stood on a crepidum, on a raised platform towards which a
ramp went leading to the statue of Zeus.
Drake at the running track at Olympia. The stadium is 697.3 feet in length and 98–112 feet wide, and it served mainly for running races that determined the fastest person in the world. The track was made of hard-packed clay to serve as traction for the contestants in the running events. As in current day athletics, a white block was placed on one end of the track where the athletes would line up to place their feet and got ready to start of the race. The white block was used to align all the athletes so they would all run the same distance. The stadium in Olympia had several phases of life, the first phase, in the 6th century BCE, was open on its western side towards the altar of Zeus. The second phase, which occurred by the end of the 6th century or the beginning of the 5th century BCE, moved the stadium 75-76 metres to the east, whilst the third phase relocated the stadium even further to the east it is found today. If one compares the layout and appearance of the stadium within the game, it appears to be precisely within the second phase, which is correct considering the time period within the game.

According to Plutarch in his Life of Pericles (89-91), Phidias was accused by Pericles' opponents of stealing gold which was intended for the creation of the statue of Athena Parthenos. However, here the game differs from Plutarch because it follows the fact that his workshop was found in Olympia and that the Olympia statue of Zeus was completed after his supposed death in Athens. In the game the main character receives a task from Pericles which involved escorting Phidias to the port of Piraeus, from where he will flee to Olympia. There Phidias has his workshop, finishes the statue of Zeus, but the main villains of the game find it and kill him. This ending somewhat follows what Philochorus said, namely that Phidias fled to Olympia where, after the completion of the statue of Zeus, he was killed.
Drake at the Lions Gate at the entrance to the Mycenaean citadel, an enclosed area on top of a hill, about fourteen miles away from the sea at almost 300 metres above sea level. Although there was a settlement near the citadel, it's not featured in the game. According to the legend handed down to us by Pausanias (Paus. 2.16.3), Mycenae was founded by Perseus, who, according to one story, had a sword handle (mykes) fall out, which he understood as a sign that a city should be founded here, and was named after him. According to another story, Perseus picked a mushroom (mykes) at the site of Mycenae, from which water flowed that Perseus drank, and named the city after the mushroom. Pausanias (Paus. 2.16. 5) also tells us that Argos destroyed Mycenae, which is dated to 468 BCE, which somewhat corresponds to the situation found in the game by which time Mycenae is abandoned and there are bandits in it. However, all the objects are shown in a slightly better condition in order to give the player the appearance of the Mycenaean citadel. As in reality, the citadel has two entrances: northwest and north At the northwestern entrance is what we call the Lion's Gate, made of massive monoliths, above which there was a relief triangle, on the outside of which there was a relief with two lions, which is also mentioned by Pausanias (Paus. 2.16.5). This entrance is part of the walls of Mycenae which, because of their size, were said to have been created by the so-called cyclopean construction, a term that also comes to us from Pausanias (Paus. 2.16.5). Much of Mycenae was completely buried under layers of earth until rediscovered in the 19th century, but the lion relief remained uncovered.
Immediately after entering the area of the citadel, there is burial circle A on our right. Heinrich Schliemann found it in 1876, and it is a terrace with a circular wall, inside which six tombs were found. The tombs were shaft-shaped, while on the surface they were marked with stone stelae (also known as "trench graves" or shaft-graves). The circular wall was made of segments of three slabs (two on the sides and one connecting them at the top), with a passage leading to the lion's gate. Five tombs were found by Schliemann, while the sixth was found by Panayotis Stamatakis, after Schliemann's departure from Mycenae. Grave circle A in the game is shown somewhat differently than in reality. The walls are correctly made, but the tombs themselves are completely wrong. The centre of the circle is completely open with two corridors leading north and south. This representation is unrealistic because if the tombs looked like this at the end of the 5th century BCE, by the 19th century Schliemann and Stamatakis would have had nothing to find. After Tomb Circle A, the player arrives at the palace, which is the central part of Mycenae in the game.
The game references Agamemnon's tomb. It is a "beehive tomb", of which several are known, but unfortunately only one is shown the game. The tomb consists of a long corridor (dromos), a tholos with a false dome and a smaller, square room. The entrance (stomion) to the tholos is also monumental. At the top is a lintel, above which there is a relief triangle in order to distribute the weight above the lintel itself. The domed room is also said to be in the shape of a beehive and was used for cult activities, whilst the smaller square room served as a burial room for of the deceased. Although this is the only Mycenaean tholos we find in the game, it is not accurate given that the entrance corridor does not exist, the domed room is cut into the living rock, and the smaller room that was supposed to serve as the burial place of the deceased has a hole in the wall that leads to secret underground corridors that are presented to the player as the actual tomb of Agamemnon. Although the situation is better than Knossos, Mycenae also suffers from the creators' desire to impress the player, instead of historical accuracy. Of course they succeed because Mycenae is very fascinating in and of itself, but some basic elements are missing. It should also be noted that the player does not visit Mycenae as part of any mission or task other than that Agamemnon's tomb (or Treasury of Atreus) is visited as part of the mission "Three Symbols Entombed".
Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Win battles of conquest and weaken state strength Assassin's Creed Odyssey walkthrough: How to conquer other states. Martin Woger Avatar Tips & solutions from Martin Woger Editor-in-Chief Updated on19 January 2021 Conquest battles are one of the few systemic innovations in Assassin's Creed Odyssey, but they are more of a "nice to have" feature. You do have to complete a series of different main missions quite early in the game, which ultimately culminate in your first mass battle and also serve as a tutorial for this mechanic. After that, however, it is up to you whether you take on further battles or simply ignore them. And since Odyssey isn't exactly lacking in content anyway, it's tempting to just leave the conquests lying around. But that's a "mistake" in that you can get some of the best equipment in the entire game for successfully completing battles. The harder the battle, the better the reward. Normally, you can fight on the side of either the defending or the attacking faction. Usually, conflicts are a lot easier on the side of the defensive faction. However, if you choose to fight on the side of the attacker and bring your enemies to their knees, you will often be rewarded with epic equipment. Therefore, we strongly advise you to always stand on the side of the offensive party when in doubt - even if that means having to fight a more challenging battle. Conquest battles are one of the many optional activities in Assassin's Creed Odyssey - but completing them rewards you with legendary equipment. However, we have already skipped a few crucial steps. Before a mass battle even begins, you must first complete a series of other tasks. The basic process is always similar: Weaken the state strength of the respective province If you really want to, you can skip this point and face the province leader directly as soon as he is marked on the map. The more you weaken his state, the easier the subsequent fight will be. In addition, during this weakening phase you often collect high-quality materials and resources for crafting . There are three ways to reduce the state strength. Firstly, you can kill soldiers of the relevant faction (either Spartans or Athenians). You also have to burn war supplies and plunder the state treasury - both of which can be found in well-guarded fortresses. Kill the leader of the province As soon as you discover the leader, you can confront him in battle. The weaker his state is, the easier the confrontation will be. Only when you have killed the leader will the corresponding conquest battle become available. Winning the Battle of Conquest The real "highlight" of the whole thing: You fight a massive battle on either the Athenians or Spartans' side, which is a real battle. Below we will address the three points mentioned and explain them in more detail. Back to: Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Complete solution with tips and tricks Killing soldiers, burning war supplies and plundering the state treasury - that's how it works In the preparation phase, it's all about weakening the opposing state as much as possible. To do this, you can kill their soldiers, burn war supplies and plunder their state treasury. But first things first. You will kill enemy soldiers almost automatically during the other two tasks, unless you are completely undetected and silent. Every enemy you kill lowers the state strength bar a little, although the effects of a single kill are fairly negligible. However, it is a different story if you take out polemarchs or captains. You can recognize them by the gold mark above their heads. If you take out such guys, you will lower the state strength significantly more than if you take out a regular enemy. So while you can largely ignore the foot soldiers, you should always cut off the heads of these particularly capable opponents. Burning war supplies, however, requires a more targeted approach. You will find several war supplies in every enemy fortress. These are bluish boxes containing all kinds of goods that the respective army needs. You can easily mark them by having your eagle Ikaros fly over a fortress (or another area where these chests are found) and spy on them. This will then allow you to go directly to the supplies. Once you get there, all you have to do is set them on fire. You can do this using a fire arrow or your torch, for example, which you can equip at any time using the right control pad. Just hit it once and the supplies will burn ablaze. Fortunately, your opponents' supplies in Assassin's Creed Odyssey are always extremely flammable. The most important point, however, is the state treasure. The enemy faction needs this to hire mercenaries to support them in the battle of conquest. If you manage to steal these coins, you will not only receive a decent windfall yourself, but you will also significantly weaken the state strength of your enemies. So always try to find this particularly well-filled chest. However, note that looting takes a few moments - time in which you can be discovered by patrolling guards. Kill leader Sorry, but an error occurred. Please try again. You can challenge any faction leader as soon as he appears on the map. However, without having weakened his state beforehand, this will always be a tricky little dance. In the unweakened state, the boss is at a higher level, is in a well-guarded area and has gathered larger troops around him. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the actions described above in order to weaken the state's strength. Important : If you have weakened a state, you should not wait too long to attack. Because: Over time, already knocked out factions will regenerate some of their strength, so your work will have been in vain. But it doesn't have to be that way. If you have weakened the strength of the state, the respective leader will no longer be able to oppose you as much. Win the battle of conquest If you have defeated the leader of a faction, you automatically gain access to the respective conquest battle. As already written, you should always fight these on the side of the attackers if possible. This does make the fight a little more difficult, but you also receive high-quality rewards. The biggest problem during such a fight, which can last several minutes, is the fact that you cannot restore your health or can only partially restore it. Therefore, you must always be extremely defensive and pay particular attention to archers who will target you from a distance. Always hold on tight! You win a conquest battle in Assassin's Creed Odyssey by completely emptying the enemy bar at the top of the screen. This is done successively by eliminating enemy captains who appear at regular intervals. Once you have beaten down about half of the enemy bar in this way, an enemy hero appears who is particularly strong and difficult to beat. Since he usually sticks to you, you can hardly ignore him. If you are defeated or take too much time so that your faction's bar is completely emptied, you have lost the battle and must start again. More tips and guides for adventure in ancient Greece : Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Unlock the ship Adrasteia and all improvements Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Unlock all engravings and challenges Have you read it yet? Assassin's Creed Origins: 60 fps update coming tomorrow Ubisoft confirms Assassin's Creed Infinity - what the online future brings for the series 60fps support for Assassin's Creed Odyssey on Xbox Series X/S and PS5 available today in new patch Martin Woger Avatar Martin Woger : Editor-in-chief since 2011, gamer since 1984, human since 1975, likes PC engines and everything else that is not called FIFA or RTS. FacebookTwitterGoogle+RedditEmailShare0 Those who were excited to once again take on the role of Assassin’s Creed Origins‘ Medjay-turned-Hidden-One Bayek of Siwa in the recently confirmed Assassin’s Creed Odyssey might be disappointed by some recent rumors about its setting. Kotaku’s initial report on the Odyssey leak claimed that the game would take place in Greece following the events of Origins, but a recent report from IGN Germany editor-in-chief Sebastian Ossowski claims that Odyssey will take players even further into the past. According to Ossowski, Odyssey‘s main character will be a player-created character who is a direct descendant of Leonidas I, the king of Sparta who’s perhaps most famous for his last stand against the Persian army at the Battle of Thermopylae. It is unknown whether Leonidas’ only known son and successor, Pleistarchus, was ever married or had children, so this mystery would definitely work to Odyssey‘s narrative favor. On top of that, it seems to confirm our suspicions that the game will take place during the Peloponnesian War between the Delian League of Athens and the Peloponnesian League of Sparta. Speaking of player-created character, Ossowski claims that players will be able to choose the gender of their character, and will expand Origins‘ RPG elements to include the possibility of the main character forming romantic relationships with other characters. And, since the game is set in classical Greece, same-sex relationships will definitely be an option in Odyssey. One thing that we were wrong about was who would be making the next Assassin’s Creed. Given Ubisoft’s rigorous development schedule, we thought that Assassin’s Creed Syndicate developer Ubisoft Quebec would get the next crack at the series, but Ossowski reports that the team at Ubisoft Montreal who developed Assassin’s Creed Unity is up to bat this time around. This news might unsettle Assassin’s Creed fans who are still traumatized by some of Unity‘s more grotesque bugs, but previous statements from Ubisoft suggest that the developer and publisher learned a lot from that experience. While Ossowski doesn’t source any of these informations, it would be pretty strange for a publication like IGN to publish this kind of information with such confidence if there wasn’t some truth to it. We’ll find out soon enough, as Assassin’s Creed Odyssey will most likely be a major feature of Ubisoft’s E3 2018 press briefing. The game is about an alternative version of thePeloponnesian Warand is thus set several centuries before the founding of the Assassin Brotherhood. The player has the option of choosing between a male and female protagonist; the character not selected becomes one of the main antagonists after the game starts. You play through the game as a mercenary and descendant of the Spartan kingLeonidas Iand, instead of the "hidden blade" otherwise common in the Assassin's Creed series, you use his broken spear, which is forged into a weapon that gives the player special abilities in combat. As a mercenary you fight either for Athens or the Athenian League or for Sparta or the Peloponnesian League. In addition, the game also contains story elements relating to the precursor race of the Isu, who, as part of the lore of the Assassin's Creed series, are an advanced civilization that existed before humanity and left behind powerful artifacts called Shards of Eden around the world. Table of contents plot Introduction First, the game begins with an introductory sequence in 480 BC, where King Leonidas leads the Spartan army against a Persian attack during theBattle of Thermopylae. The battle is won, but Leonidas is informed that the Persian army has learned of the secret mountain path and will surround the Spartans the next morning. Nevertheless, Leonidas decides to stop the Persian advance with his 300 men. The action then jumps to 2018. Layla Hassan, the protagonist from Origins , has now joined the Assassins and, during research, comes across the lost stories ofHerodotus. His work describes a Greek mercenary who is said to have possessed an Eden artifact - the Spear of Leonidas. Layla manages to find the spear and, with the help of ex-Abstergo employee Dr. Victoria Bibeau, she extracts the DNA of the siblings Alexios and Kassandra from it. The player can now choose between a male and a female main character (for the purposes of this article, the canon protagonist Kassandra is used). In the Assassin hideout inLondon,Layla activates her Animus to search Kassandra's memories for the location of the Staff ofHermes, another Eden relic. Main story The main storyline finally starts in 431 BC on the islandof Kefalonia, at the beginning of the Peloponnesian War. The granddaughter of Leonidas, whose broken spear she inherited, Kassandra has built a reputation as a successful mercenary and is called the "Eagle Woman" because of her companion eagle Ikaros. As a child, Kassandra was banished from her nativeSpartaafter she tried in vain to stop an elder from throwing her younger brother Alexios from MountTaygetosat the urging of the Oracle, as a prophecy said he would be responsible for Sparta's downfall. As punishment for Kassandra accidentally killing the elder, her father Nikolaos was forced to throw her off the cliff, despite pleas from her mother Myrrine not to. However, the young girl survived the fall and, believing Alexios to be dead, fled by boat to the open sea. She was stranded on Kefalonia during a storm and was picked up by the estate manager Markos, who raised her over the years. One day, Kassandra meets a mysterious stranger named Elpenor, who orders her to kill a general in Megaris who is said to be known as the "Wolf of Sparta". She accepts the order and saves the ship's captain Barnabas, who in return offers her a place on his ship, the Adrasteia , as commander. With that, Kassandra leaves the island and sets course for Megaris. On the way there, however, she discovers that the "Wolf of Sparta" is actually her father Nikolaos. Arriving in Megaris, Kassandra meets Stentor, Nikolaos' adopted son. By supporting him in the ongoing battle against the Athenians, the Spartans are able to achieve a great victory. Finally, Kassandra faces her father, who is visibly surprised by her survival. She confronts Nikolaos about what he once did to her and reveals the price on his head. The player must now decide whether Kassandra will kill Nikolaos or save him. Both options lead to her learning that Nikolaos is not her and Alexios' biological father and being asked to find her mother Myrrine, who is said to still be alive. After this encounter, Kassandra goes toPhokisto visit the Oracle ofDelphiin the hope of finding out more about her mother's whereabouts. The Oracle tells her about the so-called "Cult of the Cosmos" and its plan to wipe out Kassandra's family. Elpenor is said to be one of the cultists, which is why Kassandra sets out to find him. When she finds him, a fight ensues in which she is able to kill her opponent. In his last breath, Elpenor explains that the cult wanted her dead, but he convinced them to let Kassandra live because they wanted to use her for their own plans. Kassandra then secretly infiltrates a cult meeting that is taking place in a secret chamber beneath the Temple ofApollo. During conversations with the cultists, she learns of a superior warrior named "Deimos," who is said to be the cult's weapon. She also finds out that the cult wants to exploit the ongoing war to gain control of the entire Greek world. A short time later, Deimos arrives with Elpenor's head and reveals that he knows that there is a traitor in his ranks. He has various cultists touch a mysterious, pyramid-shaped artifact in the middle of the chamber to expose the traitor. When it is Kassandra's turn, the artifact shows memories from her childhood, and she is shocked to realize that Deimos is her brother Alexios, who she believed to be dead. Deimos lets Kassandra go and kills the next cult member, whom he portrays as the supposed traitor. Kassandra meets Barnabas in Delphi, who introduces her to Herodotus. She tells them about her discovery of the cult and its plans, whereupon they decide to set off forAthensto warn the local statesmanPericles. Before that, however, Cassandra is asked by Herodotus, who has recognized Leonidas' spear on her back, to meet him at the old battlefield at Thermopylae. Once there, Herodotus touches the spear, which suddenly causes him to have a flashback showing Leonidas' death in battle against the Persians. After this vision, he tells Kassandra about the discovery of a strangely shaped gate on the island ofAndros, which he believes is connected to her spear. Kassandra agrees to get to the bottom of the matter, and together with Barnabas and Herodotus she sails into the Aegean. Arriving on Andros, Kassandra opens the mysterious gate with Leonidas' spear and enters a large vault that turns out to be an ancient forge of the First Civilization. Inside, she discovers a spear-shaped structure that she can use to improve her weapon. As Kassandra leaves the vault, she is suddenly confronted by Deimos, who has been following her the whole time. He accuses her of deliberately throwing him off the mountain. Kassandra tries to make Deimos understand the truth, but his indoctrination by the cult is too strong and he leaves his sister behind with the threat to avoid him. A little later, Kassandra arrives in Athens, where she meets new allies such asAlcibiades,SocratesandAspasia. After completing some tasks in the city, she gains the trust of Pericles, who then invites her to his symposium. At the symposium, Kassandra hopes to find out more information about her mother by talking to the party guests. She manages to get some useful clues and sets off on an odyssey to follow the clues. First, Cassandra goes toArgos, where she meets the famous doctorHippocrates. She then learns that Myrrine came to the sanctuary ofAsclepius with the injured Alexios and asked for help. Alexios was falsely declared dead and then raised by a priestess named Chrysis, who is a member of the cult. In Corinth,Kassandra befriends the Spartan generalBrasidasand helps the hetaera Anthousa kill a cultist called "the hawker" who is terrorizing the city. Anthousa then tells her that Myrrine once sought refuge in Corinth before leaving on a ship called the Sound of the Sirens . The last clue leads Kassandra to the islandof Kea, where she meets the pirate leader Xenia. From her, Kassandra learns that Myrrine was active as a pirate in this area for a while and called herself Phoenix, but later left for the southeast with an unknown destination. Now that Kassandra has all the important clues about her mother, she returns to Athens, where she finds a city ravaged by a plague. Aspasia tells her that Pericles is dying and she needs her help to watch over him. Shortly afterwards, however, guards from the cult appear and carry out a massacre in the city. Kassandra fights off the attackers, but cannot prevent Pericles from being murdered in cold blood by Deimos. She then decides to leave Athens with Aspasia. Since Pericles' rivalKleon, who is now the new ruler of Athens, ordered that no one should leave the city, they fight their way to the harbor. After they manage to escape the city with the Adrasteia , Kassandra gives Aspasia the information she found out about her mother. Aspasia then tells her that she knew a woman named Phoenix who is said to live on the island ofNaxos. Kassandra sails to Naxos, where she is finally able to find her mother. The two have a touching reunion, and Kassandra learns that Myrrine now rules the island and also knows about the cult. Myrrine promises that together they will find Alexios and reunite her family, but they must first take care of the defense of the island. Kassandra agrees and helps her mother to fend off forces from the neighboring island ofParos. After a successful victory, Myrrine decides to return to Sparta; However, she asks Kassandra to meet her biological father first, so she sends her to the volcanic island ofSantorini. Arriving on Santorini, Kassandra finds a gate among theMinoanruins that leads to a huge Isu vault beneath the island. There she is greeted by her biological father, who turns out to bePythagoras. He explains to her that they are in the remains ofAtlantisand that he has remained immortal thanks to the Staff of Hermes that he carries with him. Kassandra also learns that she was conceived by Pythagoras to continue an ancient bloodline and that it is her destiny to protect the knowledge of Atlantis from the Cult of the Cosmos. Pythagoras gives her the task of recovering four Eden artifacts hidden throughout Greece in order to seal Atlantis permanently. The action then jumps back to the present. After her discovery in the Animus, Layla immediately gathers her team of assassins and travels to Santorini on board the research ship Altair II . After a dive, she reaches the ruins of Atlantis, but is unable to find the Staff of Hermes. Since she suspects that Kassandra's memories will provide further clues, she climbs back into the Animus she has brought with her while her crew analyzes their data on the Altair II . After her encounter with Pythagoras, Kassandra meets Myrrine in Sparta, where they now want to assert their birthright to their old house. They also meet Brasidas again, who helps the two arrange a meeting withArchidamosandPausanias, the two kings of Sparta. However, they only agree to give their house back if Kassandra has first proven her loyalty to Sparta. Archidamos tasks her with helping the Spartan forces conquerBoeotia , while Pausanias asks her to escort the champion Testikles to the Olympic Gamesto win a victory for Sparta. Since Kassandra has already come across evidence that one of the two kings is a member of the cult, she accepts the assignments in the hope of unmasking the real cultist in the end. In Boeotia, Kassandra helps the Spartans to victory over the Athenians after she has managed to eliminate four powerful warriors. However, this leads to a confrontation with Stentor, who wants revenge for the death of Nikolaos. Kassandra is forced to kill her adoptive brother; but if Nikolaos was left alive beforehand, he appears in Boeotia and calms Stentor, whereby Kassandra reconciles with both of them. When Kassandra wants to accompany Testikles to the Olympic Games inElis, he accidentally falls into the sea and is eaten by sharks. Kassandra has no choice but to step in for Testikles. She still manages to win a victory for Sparta in the discipline of pankration. In addition to her assignments, Kassandra meets with Myrrine and Brasidas inArcadia, where there is a lead on another cultist. They find out that a Spartan Archon named Lagos is the cult member they are looking for, but Brasidas suspects that he joined the cult involuntarily. Myrrine still wants Lagos dead. If the player decides to let Lagos live, Kassandra will receive documents from him that prove that Pausanias is the cultist king. After Kassandra has completed all her tasks, she returns to Sparta. With the support of the Ephors, she manages to reveal Pausanias as a cultist and later eliminates him. The remaining king, Archidamos, is grateful for this and gives Kassandra and Myrrine back to their old house. A little later, they learn from Brasidas that Deimos is fighting alongside the Athenian forces inPylosand decimating the Spartan troops. Kassandra then sets off with Brasidas toMessenia, where a battle between Athenians and Spartans breaks out. In the middle of the battle, Deimos appears and attacks his sister. The duel between the two is interrupted when Kassandra is knocked unconscious by a falling tree. A little later, Kassandra wakes up in a prison in Athens, where Deimos is guarding her outside her cell. A discussion ensues between the two, which is interrupted by Cleon. He reveals himself to be a cult member and the man behind Pericles' murder. After Deimos and Cleon have left, Kassandra manages to escape from prison. Together with Socrates, Alcibiades, Herodotus and Hippocrates, she forges a plan to bring down Cleon and restore democracy in Athens. They manage to reveal Cleon's devious machinations to the citizens of the city, which causes his popularity to decline. The final battle between Cleon's army and the Spartans led by Brasidas finally takes place inAmphipolis. Kassandra supports the Spartans, but has to watch as Brasidas is killed by Deimos. In the heat of the moment, Cleon fires an arrow at Deimos, which hits him in the back. Enraged, Kassandra attacks Kleon and, after a duel, manages to kill him. Back in Sparta, Kassandra and her mother go to Mount Taygetos, where it all began. There they unexpectedly see Deimos standing near the cliff. Myrrine begs her son to leave the cult and return to his family. However, Deimos shares his belief that he is the chosen one and has a destiny. How the situation ends depends on which path the player now chooses and which crucial decisions have already been made: Kassandra kills Deimos in a final duel after making it clear to Myrrine several times that he can no longer be saved. Kassandra kills Deimos, whereupon Myrrine breaks off contact with her because her daughter had previously promised to save him. Deimos murders Myrrine, whereupon Kassandra kills him in a final duel. Deimos lays down his weapons and reconciles with Kassandra and Myrrine after being persuaded to turn away from the cult. The evening after this event, all family members who survived due to the player's decisions meet for dinner at their home in Sparta. After the end of the main story, Kassandra is left with the task of tracking down the Atlantis artifacts, which she locates in hidden Isu sites onCrete,Lesbos, Phocis and Boeotia. In doing so, she must compete with creatures from Greek mythology, such as aMinotaur, aCyclops,Medusaand theSphinx. If she succeeds in completing this task, she returns to Atlantis and places the artifacts in the appropriate devices. Pythagoras reveals that the Staff of Hermes is the key to sealing Atlantis. He reluctantly passes it on to Kassandra, thereby sacrificing his life. The game then switches back to the present, where Layla tries to reactivate the devices in the Atlantis Vault. She is shocked when Kassandra herself suddenly appears, having been kept alive for over two millennia by the power of the Staff of Eden. Kassandra warns Layla that the world needs a balance between order and chaos - in this case between the Templar Order and the Assassin Brotherhood - because if one side outdoes the other, it will lead to the end of the world. Layla is said to be the prophesied person who will bring order and chaos into balance, which is why Kassandra hands her the staff and eventually dies in her arms. Gameplay and technology Assassin's Creed Odyssey places more emphasis on role-playing elements than previous games in the series. The game includes dialogue options, branching quests, and multiple endings. [ 1 ] The player is able to choose the gender of the main character and assume the role of Alexios or Kassandra . [ 2 ] There is also the option to develop romantic relationships with non-playable characters of either gender, regardless of the gender of the chosen character. [ 3 ] [ 4 ] The game features anotoriety systemin which mercenaries will chase the player if they commit crimes such as killing or stealing from non-playable characters. [ 5 ] The game uses a skill tree system that allows the player to unlock new skills. [ 6 ] The three skill trees include "Hunter", which improves the player's archery, "Warrior", which focuses on combat, and "Assassin", which focuses on stealth. This replaces the system used in Origins, which gave the player a set of passive skills. The hitbox combat system introduced in Origins has been expanded to grant the player access to four different special abilities when the ability bar is sufficiently filled. These abilities include a rain of arrows and a powerful kick to unbalance opponents, [ 5 ] and are similar to the "Overpower" mechanic introduced in Origins , allowing for a powerful finishing move in combat. The game also features an equipment system, where each piece of armor the player wears contains different ratings and provides a number of benefits. [ 7 ] These can be individually equipped and upgraded. Assassin's Creed Odyssey also features the return of naval battles, with the player having access toHellenistic-erawarships to explore theAegean Sea. The conflict between Athens and Sparta is represented through a "war system" that allows players to accept contracts from mercenaries and participate in various large-scale battles against enemy factions. The war system can change a faction's influence over a region, although this has no impact on the story. [ 8 ] Assassin's Creed Odyssey was created using the Anvil game engine . [ 9 ] Production Notes Editions Several special editions of Assassin's Creed Odyssey have been released, each offering different additional content compared to the standard version. Aseason passis also available. Those who pre-ordered the game also received a bonus in the form of the additional mission: The Blind King (now available for free via the Ubisoft Club, along with other bonuses). If you buy the standard or gold edition for the consoles, you also get a steelbook. [ 10 ] The contents of the editions are divided as follows: Contents Standard (PC & Consoles) Deluxe Edition (PC & Consoles) Gold Edition (PC & Consoles) Ultimate Edition (PC & Consoles) Medusa Edition (PC & Consoles) Spartan Edition (PC & Consoles) Pantheon Edition (PC & Consoles) Game disk Optional (consoles only) Optional (consoles only) Optional (consoles only) Optional (consoles only) Optional (consoles only) Optional (consoles only) Optional (consoles only) Download Optionally possible Optional (PC & consoles) Optional (PC & consoles) Optional (PC & consoles) Optional (PC & consoles) Optional (PC & consoles) Optional (PC & consoles) Deluxe Pack (Kronos Pack, Messenger of the Dawn Pack, Aigokerue's Ship Pack, Temporary Boosts) No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Season Pass No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Collector's box No No No No Yes Yes Yes Steelbook No No No No No Yes Yes Soundtrack (material) No No No No Yes Yes Yes World map (material) No No No No Yes Yes Yes Art book No No No No Yes Yes Yes lithography No No No No No Yes Yes Figurine No No No No Yes 33 Cm High Yes 39.5 Cm High 39.5 Cm × 65 Cm DLC Some DLCs have been announced for Assassin's Creed Odyssey , which are included in the Season Pass but can also be purchased individually. It all started with the story expansion The Legacy of the First Blade , which was released in three parts. The content is about the appearance of the first assassins. Just like in the main game, there is a group that operates in secret and tries to bring the Greek world under its control. The goal here is to counteract this and stop their plans. The second DLC will also be released in three parts and is titled The Fate of Atlantis . In each episode, the player visits one of Greece's mythological kingdoms and encounters heroes, gods, and numerous new challenges. The first episode is called The Elysian Fields and was released on April 23, 2019. Here the player finds himself inElysion. This is the Greek paradise withPersephoneas its ruler, who must be overthrown. The second episode is called The Torments of Hades . Released on June 4, 2019, it takes the player to the Greek underworld, which was named after its rulerHades. While Elysion seems beautiful, the underworld is desolate. The player looks for a way to escape Hades and outwit him. In the last episode of the DLC, called The Judgment of Atlantis, the player meetsPoseidonin the legendary realmof Atlantis. Published on July 16, 2019, this part offers answers to numerous questions; the ISU in particular takes up a large part here. Also included in the Season PassAssassin's Creed IIIandAssassin's Creed III: Liberation,each in a remastered edition. [ 11 ] localization The German translation and dubbing was done by mouse power GmbH. [ 12 ] role Original voice German dubbing voice Cassandra Melissanthi Mahut Julia Kaufmann Alexios Michael Antonakos Marios Gavrilis Pericles Chris Pavlo Bert Franzke Elpenor Yorgos Karamihos Bernd Egger Phoebe Olivia Lebedeva-Alexopoulou Jodie Blank Layla Hassan Chantel Riley Antje von der Ahe Aspasia Tracy Michailidis Alma Maya Ernst Socrates Daniel Matmor Stefan Gossler Hippocrates Adam Wilson Gregor Höppner Pythagoras Anthony Skordi Jörg Hengstler Victoria Bibeau Tara Nicodemo Cornelia Waibel Kyra Alexandra Metaxa Birte Baumgardt reception Meta ratings publication Rating PS4 Windows Xbox One Metacritic 83 [ 13 ] 86 [ 14 ] 87 [ 15 ] Assassin's Creed Odyssey received mostly positive reviews. The review databaseMetacriticaggregated a total of 134 reviews to average scores of 83 (PlayStation 4), [ 13 ] 86 (Windows) [ 14 ] and 87 (Xbox One). Assassin's Creed ( AC for short;German: " Assassin ' sCreed") is a computer game series by the French publisher Ubisoft in the action-adventure genre . It has existed since 2007 with the release of the game of the same name and includes 13 main games and numerous spin-offs. The most recent release was Assassin's Creed Mirage in October 2023. Most parts of the series were developed by the Canadian studio Ubisoft Montreal . Assassin’s Creed developer VariousUbisoftstudios – mainly Ubisoft Montreal Publisher France Ubisoft platform Google Stadia,Windows,PlayStation 3,PlayStation 4,PlayStation 5,Xbox 360,Xbox One,Xbox Series,Nintendo Switch,macOS,Wii U,Nintendo DS,PlayStation Portable,PlayStation Vita,Android,iOS,Symbian,webOS,Windows Phone genre Action-adventure,open-world,stealth Games (first part, 2007)→Assassin’s Creed (last part, 2024)→Assassin’s Creed: Shadows Table of contents Gameplay The game series starts with thebartenderDesmond Miles, who is kidnapped by Abstergo Industries, a modern Templar organization, in the framework of Assassin's Creed , set in 2012. He is subject to a process in which he has to go through the genetic memories of his ancestors using a computer. His ancestors are various Assassins , whose adventures the player experiences in the various parts. Most of the time he has to prevent conspiracies by the Templar Order and fight them. While in the first games in the series it is clear that the character in the present-day sequences of the plot is Desmond Miles, this is no longer clear from Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag onwards, as the present-day story from this part onwards is presented in the first person perspective or in cutscenes and provides no clues as to the true identity of the character. Starting with the tenth installment in the series, Assassin's Creed: Origins, the player again controls a "real" character in the present, the former Abstergo employee Layla Hassan, who, after the events of the movie, searches for artifacts from the previous civilization on her own. All parts of the series areopen-world games. The majority of the action in each of the games takes place in the past in a specific region andera, with reference to real historical events. During the course of the missions, the player encounters numerous well-known personalities of the respective time, such asRichard the Lionheart,Saladin(in Assassin's Creed ) [ 1 ] ,Leonardo da Vinci,Lorenzo il Magnifico,Alexander VI.(inAssassin's Creed II),George Washington,Benjamin Franklin,Thomas Jefferson(inAssassin's Creed III),Blackbeard,Stede Bonnet(in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag ),Maximilien de Robespierre,Napoleon Bonaparte(inAssassin's Creed Unity),Alexander Graham Bell,Karl Marx,Charles Darwin,Charles Dickens,Queen Victoria(in Assassin's Creed Syndicate ),Cleopatra VII,Gaius Julius Caesar,Ptolemy XIII(in Assassin's Creed Origins ) and many more. Other events of the time are also integrated, for example the player and other characters independently and inadvertently trigger the earthquakes in Haiti (1751) and theLisbon earthquake of 1755. The storyline that runs through the series is the centuries-long conflict between Assassins and Templars, with the player usually embodying an Assassin. The protagonist is portrayed in the past sequences from athird-person perspective. Thegameplayof the series is extremely varied and is characterized by the great freedom of movement in the fictional world, in which the player can accept side missions in addition to main missions to complete certain missions. Game overview Since the release of the main game Assassin's Creed in 2007, an extensive game series has developed with numerous main games and spin-offs, all of which follow the basic premise of the Assassins' fight against the Templars. Parts belonging to the main series are marked in italics . Year Time title Location(s) Remarks 2007 1191 AD Assassin’s Creed Holy Land Time of theThird Crusade Main game of the series 2008 Assassin's Creed: Altaïr's Chronicles Spin-off of Assassin's Creed 2009 Assassin’s Creed: Bloodlines Connects the actions of the first two parts [ 2 ] 1474–1499 Assassin's Creed II FlorenceandNorthern Italy Renaissance Start of the Ezio trilogy Assassin's Creed II: Discovery VeniceandSpain Spin-off of Assassin's Creed II 2010 1499–1507 Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood Rome Second part of the Ezio trilogy 2011 1511–1512 Assassin’s Creed: Revelations Fortress ofAcre/ Israel as well asConstantinople/IstanbulandCappadociain the Ottoman Empire Conclusion of the Ezio trilogy 2012 1754–1783 Assassin’s Creed III Thirteen colonies Time of theAmerican Revolution andtheWar of Independence First part of the Kenway saga set in theNew World 1759–1777 Assassin's Creed III: Liberation New Orleans /Bayous,Louisiana+New York State Chichen Itza, Mexico Time of theSeven Years' War in North America Spin-off of Assassin's Creed III ; first female protagonist [ 3 ] 2013 1715–1722 Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Caribbean Golden Age of Piracy in the 18th Century Prequel to Assassin's Creed III 1737 Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry Caribbean Golden Age of Piracy in the 18th Century DLC for Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, it's about Adéwale Assassin's Creed Pirates Caribbean Golden Age of Piracy in the 18th Century Spin-off toAssassin's Creed IV: Black Flagexperienced by pirate captain Alonzo Batilla. 2014 1752–1761 Assassin's Creed Rogue North America Time of theSeven Years' War in North America The last part of the Kenway saga connects the plot of AC IV with AC III . As a Templar, the player hunts assassins. 1789–1799 Assassin’s Creed Unity Paris French Revolution For the first time, newparkour, combat and stealth gameplay. 2015 Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China Empire of China Ming Dynasty First part of theAssassin's Creed Chroniclestrilogy 1868 Assassin’s Creed Syndicate London Victorian era For the first time, two playable main characters 2016 Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India Amritsar Time before theFirst Sikh War Second part of the Assassin's Creed Chronicles trilogy Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia Soviet Russia October Revolution Third part of the Assassin's Creed Chronicles trilogy Assassin's Creed Identity Italy ItalianRenaissance Only on IOS and Android. Character can be created 2017 49–43 BC Assassin’s Creed Origins Ancient Egypt Greco-Roman period For the first time, the action takes place in antiquity 2018 431–422 BC Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Ancient Greece Time of thePeloponnesian War The choice of the main character and various decisions influence the plot Assassin's Creed Rebellion [ 4 ] Spain Only playable on mobile 2020 873 AD Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Scandinavia/England/Vinland/Ireland/Paris Age of theVikings Advanced settlement construction system 2023 861–871 AD Assassin's Creed Mirage Baghdad 9th century Prequel to Assassin's Creed Valhalla 2024 1550–1582 Assassin's Creed Shadows Feudal Japan Sengoku Period /Azuchi-Momoyama Period The samuraiYasuke(the first playable historical person in Assassin's Creed) or Naoe, a Shinobi assassin, are available as playable main characters before the respective quests. Platforms Year title developers Platforms console PC Handheld mobile Cloud 2007 Assassin’s Creed Ubisoft Montreal PlayStation 3,Xbox 360 Windows 2008 Assassin's Creed: Altaïr's Chronicles Gameloft Nintendo DS Android,iOS,webOS,Symbian,Windows Phone 2009 Assassin’s Creed: Bloodlines Griptonite Games PlayStationPortable Assassin's Creed II Ubisoft Montreal PS3, Xbox360,PS4,Xbox One Windows,macOS Nintendo Switch GeForce Now (Deluxe Edition only) Assassin's Creed II: Discovery Griptonite Games Nintendo DS iOS 2010 Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood Ubisoft Montreal PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, Xbox One Windows, OS X Nintendo Switch GeForce Now 2011 Assassin’s Creed: Revelations Windows Nintendo Switch 2012 Assassin’s Creed III PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, Xbox One,Wii U Nintendo Switch GeForce Now, Google Stadia (Remastered) Assassin's Creed III: Liberation Ubisoft Sofia Ubisoft Milan PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, Xbox One PlayStation Vita, Nintendo Switch 2013 Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Ubisoft Montreal PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, PS4, Xbox One Nintendo Switch Google Stadia, GeForceNow Assassin's Creed Pirates [ 5 ] Ubisoft Mobile Games Windows (browser game) Android, iOS Assassin's Creed - Freedom Cry Ubisoft Quebec, Ubisoft Montreal PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, Xbox One Windows Nintendo Switch GeForce Now 2014 Assassin's Creed Rogue Ubisoft Sofia PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, Xbox One Windows Nintendo Switch Google Stadia, GeForce Now Assassin’s Creed Unity Ubisoft Montreal PS4, Xbox One Amazon Luna, GeForceNow 2015 Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China Climax Studios PS Vita AmazonLuna Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Ubisoft Quebec Amazon Luna, GeForceNow 2016 Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India Climax Studios PS Vita AmazonLuna Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia 2017 Assassin’s Creed Origins Ubisoft Montreal Amazon Luna, GeForce Now,Xbox Cloud Gaming 2018 Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Ubisoft Quebec Assassin’s Creed Rebellion Behaviour Interactive Android, iOS 2020 Assassin's Creed Valhalla [ 6 ] Ubisoft Montreal PS4, Xbox One,PlayStation 5,Xbox Series Windows Amazon Luna, GeForce Now,Xbox Cloud Gaming 2023 Assassin's Creed Mirage Ubisoft Bordeaux PS 4,PlayStation 5,Xbox One,Xbox Series Windows AmazonLuna 2024 Assassin's Creed Shadows Ubisoft Quebec PlayStation 5,Xbox Series Windows, MacOS Amazon Luna, Epic Games, Ubisoft Connect Main series Assassin’s Creed (2007) → Main article :Assassin's Creed (computer game) Assassin's Creed was released in November 2007 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles and in April 2008 for Windows PCs. The game is set in the year 2012. The bartender Desmond Miles is kidnapped by Abstergo Industries and subjected to a process in which he is supposed to relive the genetic memories of an ancestor using the so-calledAnimus, a type of computer. Professor Warren Vidic, head of the project, hopes that this will help him find one of the Shards of Eden, with the help of which Abstergo could influence the thoughts of every living being. Desmond is transported back to the year 1191 into the memories of his ancestor, the assassin Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad. During theThird Crusade,he is active in theHoly Land, where he must prevent a conspiracy by the Templar Order. Altaïr succeeds in obtaining possession of the Shard of Eden, whereupon Desmond returns to the present and leaves the Animus. Assassin’s Creed II (2009) Assassin’s Creed II → Main article :Assassin's Creed II Assassin's Creed II was released in November 2009 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles and in March 2010 for Windows PCs. The plot of the game follows directly from that of its predecessor. After returning to the present, Desmond Miles flees from the Abstergo Industries building to an assassin's hideout, where, using the advanced Animus 2.0, he must relive phases of the life of the assassin Ezio Auditore da Firenze, who lived in Florence in the late 15th century during theRenaissance. Shortly after the plot begins, Ezio's father and brothers are captured and hanged. Ezio then flees to his uncle Mario in Tuscany , where he is trained as an assassin. As the game progresses, Ezio must carry out numerous assassination attempts and sets out to find the person responsible for his father's death, which takes him all the way to Vatican City . There, Pope Alexander VI confesses to him that the reason for his father's death is the Apple of Eden, which can be used to open a secret chamber said to contain incredible power. Ezio manages to take the apple and enter the chamber, where he is warned of a future catastrophe by the Roman goddess Minerva . Desmond then leaves the Animus because the Assassins' hideout has been discovered by the Templars. On the run, Desmond encounters Warren Vidic and the Abstergo security personnel in the building's warehouse, whom he defeats in a fight. Vidic, however, manages to escape. Desmond flees with the Assassins to a new hideout. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (2010) Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood → Main article :Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood was released in November 2010 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles and in March 2011 for Windows PCs. The game's plot follows directly from its predecessor. After escaping from the Assassins' hideout, Desmond and his companions travel to the villa of Ezio's uncle Mario in Tuscany. There, Desmond goes back into Ezio's memories to find out more about the whereabouts of the Eden Shard. The memories start in the Tuscan villa, which is being attacked byCesare Borgia'spapal army. In the battle, Ezio is seriously wounded and his uncle is killed, and Borgia also comes into possession of the Eden Shard. Ezio sets out to find the Shard, which takes him to Rome, which is controlled by theBorgias. There he allies himself with underground movements led by Assassins in order to reduce the Borgias' influence. After eliminating numerous followers of Cesare Borgia, Ezio is finally able to find the Eden Shard in the Vatican . The story continues a few years later, when Ezio manages to push Cesare Borgia off the city walls at the Battle of Viana . Ezio then returns to Rome and hides the Shard of Eden under the Colosseum . After relieving this memory, Desmond travels to Rome, where he finds the Shard of Eden in the Colosseum. Assassin's Creed: Revelations (2011) Assassin’s Creed: Revelations → Main article :Assassin's Creed: Revelations Assassin's Creed: Revelations was released in November 2011 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles and for Windows PCs. The game's plot follows directly from its predecessor. After the events in the chamber beneath the Colosseum, Desmond's brain is overloaded and he is put into a coma. There is a risk that his real and genetic memories will mix, which would have irreparable psychological consequences. He is therefore brought back into the Animus and must experience all of Ezio's and some of Altaïr's memories in order to find a so-called synch node. From this point on, the Animus can separate Desmond's mind and memories from Ezio and Altaïr, thus allowing him to awaken from his coma. The memory begins with Ezio, now 52, who learns from a Templar captain in the former Assassin fortress ofMasyafabout five keys that can be used to open the door to the fortress's underground library. He takes a key from the dying Templar found inConstantinople's Topkapi Palaceand goes to Constantinople to look for the other four keys. During the memory, Ezio manages to find the keys, but they are taken from him by Ahmed, theOttomancrown prince and leader of the Templars. Ezio follows Ahmed back to Masyaf, where he is able to defeat him and Ahmed is killed by Selim, his brother and true heir to the throne. Ezio then manages to open the door to the secret library, where Altaïr's skeleton and the Apple of Eden are located. The memory ends with Ezio laying down his weapons in front of the apple and speaking to Desmond, who then awakens from his coma. Assassin's Creed III (2012) Assassin’s Creed III → Main article :Assassin's Creed III Assassin's Creed III was released in October 2012 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles and in November 2012 for the Nintendo Wii U and Windows PCs. Assassin's Creed III was released in March 2019 for Windows PCs, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and in May 2019 for Nintendo Switch as a remastered version. In the present, the earth is close to destruction due to a massivesolar eruption. Only Desmond can prevent this. He must search for a way to save the world in the great temple of the First Civilization. When he enters the temple with his father, Shaun and Rebecca, Juno speaks to him. She explains to him that he needs a key to open the gate behind which the solution is. Desmond then collapses and wakes up in the Animus because the temple wants to show him something. He slips into the skin of Haytham Kenway, a Templar who emigrates from his homelandEnglandtoAmericato find a treasure chamber. There he meets the Indian woman Kaniehtí:io, who shows him the temple in return for him freeing her. However, it is locked; the Apple of Eden is needed to open it. On their journey together, the two fall in love and Kaniehtí:io has a son with Haytham, whom she names Ratonhnhaké:ton and raises alone. From now on, Desmond finds himself in the shoes of Ratonhnhaké:ton. At around the age of ten, Charles Lee, who has the key to the temple, burns down Ratonhnhaké:ton's village. His mother dies in the flames, which is why he wants to train as an assassin as an adult in order to ultimately kill Charles Lee. His trainer and mentor is Achilles Davenport, who used to train assassins and is now retired. At first, he gives Ratonhnhaké:ton the name "Connor" because survival is difficult for Indians at that time. In return for Achilles' training, Connor is to rebuild the settlement around the house on the hill where he lives. This includes the ship that is anchored in the bay and which Connor is allowed to command himself. Connor begins to liberate the cities ofBostonandNew Yorkin order to get ever closer to his goal, Charles Lee. However, Haytham Kenway is a close confidant of Lee, which is why Connor would have to kill his father to get to him. Instead, the two become friends and kill a common enemy of theirs. They part ways again shortly after Connor finds out that Haytham has kept the fact that his village is being attacked from him. Later, Connor kills Haytham when he attacks a fort where Lee should be. Finally, after a fight on a burning ship, Connor is able to kill him in a tavern. Connor takes the key to the temple from him and buries it in the grave of Achilles' son, who died young. Between the memories, Desmond travels three times to different places on Earth to find more Eden fragments that will also help open the gate. At the end of the story, Juno speaks to him and reveals that he must sacrifice himself to save the world. During this conversation, Minerva appears and accuses Juno of only wanting power and thus being freed from the temple, while Minerva herself is only trying to help people. Desmond ultimately decides to sacrifice his life to save everyone else. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (2013) Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag → Main article :Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag was released in October 2013 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. In November 2013 it was released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U and for Windows PCs, and in 2018 for the Nintendo Switch. The setting is the Caribbean during theGolden Age of Piratesin the early 18th century, and the main character is the pirate Edward Kenway, the father of Haytham Kenway and grandfather of Ratonhnhaké:tons/Connor Kenway from Assassin's Creed III. Assassin's Creed: Rogue (2014) Assassin’s Creed Rogue → Main article :Assassin's Creed Rogue Assassin's Creed Rogue was released in November 2014 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles and for Windows PCs and is the last game in the series to be released for this console generation. On March 20, 2018, Rogue was released for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One as a remastered version. The game is a link betweenAssassin's Creed IV: Black FlagandAssassin's Creed IIIand is the conclusion of the Kenway saga . The main character is the former Assassin and current Templar Shay Patrick Cormack, so for the first time in the series you experience the events from the perspective of a Templar. The events begin shortly after the end of the fourth part and have been advertised as the "darkest chapter in the Assassin's Creed series". Assassin’s Creed Unity (2014) Assassin’s Creed Unity → Main article :Assassin's Creed Unity Assassin's Creed Unity was released in November 2014 for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles and for Windows PCs. It is the first game in the series to be released exclusively for the then newest console generation. The setting of the story, which is a direct continuation of Assassin's Creed Rogue, is Paris and Versailles at the time of theFrench Revolutiontowards the end of the 18th century, and the main character is the assassin Arno Victor Dorian. In contrast to its predecessors, Unity takes place exclusively on land and again offers a more classic, although expanded, game and mission design, as was recently the case in the Ezio trilogy. Assassin's Creed Syndicate (2015) Assassin’s Creed Syndicate → Main article :Assassin's Creed Syndicate Assassin's Creed Syndicate was released in October 2015 for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles and in November 2015 for Windows PCs. This time, the action takes place in Victorian London during theIndustrial Revolutionin the 19th century. For the first time in the series, there are two main characters, the twins Jacob and Evie Frye, who can be played in parallel and who have different skills, which in turn requires different approaches to the respective missions. In addition, for the first time in the series, there is no longer a multiplayer mode. Assassin's Creed Origins (2017) Assassin’s Creed Origins → Main article :Assassin's Creed Origins Assassin's Creed Origins was released in October 2017 for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles and for Windows PCs. [ 7 ] It moves the action toPtolemaic Egyptand follows the protagonistBayek, aMedjai. The plot is intended to shed light on the origins of the war between Assassins and Templars, while the game has been significantly revised in terms of gameplay and game mechanics. The game is therefore asoft reboot, as it starts from the origin of the overall plot of the game series and brings with it various innovations, but at the same time retains the canon of the previous story. Assassin's Creed Odyssey (2018) Assassin’s Creed Odyssey → Main article :Assassin's Creed Odyssey Assassin's Creed Odyssey was released in October 2018 for Windows PC and the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles. It was released onGoogle Stadiain November 2019. The game is about an alternate version of thePeloponnesian Warand is set inAncient Greece. For the first time in the series, the player can choose between a female and a male main character, with the character not chosen also becoming a central part of the plot. The hidden blade that was typical of the series is no longer there; instead, the player receives part of Leonidas' spear. The proportion of role-playing elements has also been expanded, so the character's strengths and weaknesses depend on their development. The game contains dialogue options, branching quests, and multiple endings. It is also possible to develop romantic relationships with non-playable characters of both sexes, regardless of the gender of the chosen character. Assassin's Creed Valhalla (2020) Assassin’s Creed Valhalla → Main article :Assassin's Creed Valhalla Assassin's Creed Valhalla is the twelfth part of the main series. The game was officially announced on April 29, 2020 and was released on November 10, 2020 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4,PlayStation 5, Xbox One andXbox Series. The game is set in Nordvege (Norway), Englaland (England) and Vinland (America) in the 9th century.The protagonistis a Viking or shield maiden named Eivor, and the character's gender can be chosen. As with Assassin's Creed Odyssey, it is possible to enter into romantic relationships regardless of gender and to change the plot through various dialogue options and branching quests. The DLCs are set in Ireland and Paris. Assassin's Creed Mirage (2023) → Main article :Assassin's Creed Mirage Assassin's Creed Mirage was announced in October 2022 for a 2023 release, developed by Ubisoft Bordeaux and published byUbisoft. It is the thirteenth installment in the main Assassin's Creed series and the successor to 2020'sAssassin's Creed Valhalla. Mirage was released on October 5, 2023 forPlayStation 4,PlayStation 5,Windows,Xbox One,Xbox Series XandSeries S, andAmazon Luna. Like other games in the series, the game is set in a specific historical setting. The game is set in historical 9th centuryBaghdad,during the heyday of Islam . The game follows Basim Ibn Ishaq (a character first introduced in Valhalla) and his evolution from street thief to full-fledged member of the Assassin Brotherhood, fighting for peace and freedom against the Knights Templar . Assassin's Creed Shadows (2024) → Main article :Assassin's Creed Shadows Assassin's Creed Shadows will be released in November 2024 [ 8 ] and was developed by Ubisoft Quebec. The fourteenth part of the Assassin's Creed main series is set in the world of feudal Japan and is the successor to Mirage, released in 2023. As the charismatic samurai Yasuke, strike down your opponents with brutal precision and power or become a shinobi assassin and use noise, light and shadow as the sharp, agile Naoe and eliminate your targets with the hidden blade to free Japan from its oppressors. Similar to Assassin's Creed Syndicate, you can switch between 2 main characters and thus adjust and prepare for the various tasks of the quests. Side row Assassin's Creed Nexus VR (2023) Assassin's Creed Nexus is the brand's first VR game. Nexus is not a traditional Assassin's Creed game, but a VR title that uses virtual reality to give us a completely new Assassin's Creed experience. It was released on November 16, 2023, and is currently only available exclusively for the following Meta headsets: Meta Quest 2, Meta Quest 3, and Meta Quest Pro, as Nexus was co-financed by Meta (formerly Facebook). The overarching story revolves around an operation by Abstergo. The corporation wants to use the Animus to obtain fragments of a powerful technology that will allow them to manipulate people's beliefs. We infiltrate Abstergo and try to prevent that. We take on the role of three well-known assassins, which also changes the setting: Ezio (Assassin's Creed 2), Kassandra (AC Odyssey) and Connor (Assassin's Creed 3). We travel to Italy during the Renaissance, to ancient Greece and to the east coast of the USA. There we experience completely new stories with all three of them and meet old friends like Leonardo DaVinci. Nexus feels more natural than other games in the brand's history thanks to its full-body avatar with first-person vision and motion controls. To use a bow and arrow, for example, we have to reach over our shoulders to pull out the bow, just like in real life. Throwing knives, on the other hand, are on the belt, so we have to reach for them at waist height. In addition to using various weapons (sword, axe, crossbow, etc.), we also climb through the game world. Since there are three assassins with three locations, various smaller but open 360-degree worlds await us. We can climb onto roofs and from there carry out an assassination with a bold jump. The Leap of Faith, the famous jump into the haystack, is also possible. [ 9 ] Assassin's Creed: Codename Witch Codename Witch was announced in September 2022 and is expected to be released around 2026. It is to be developed by Ubisoft Montreal and released as part of the Infinity platform. It is expected to take place in the Holy Roman Empire at the height of thewitch huntsaround 1600 (early modern period) . [ 10 ] Marc-Alexis Côté, head of the AC franchise at Ubisoft Quebec, says that Codename Witch will be a "completely different kind of Assassin's Creed". [ 11 ] Protagonists Below are listed all the protagonists of the games in the main series. Game Protagonists Affiliation Past Present Past Present Assassin’s Creed Altair Ibn-La'Ahad Desmond Miles Assassin Assassin Assassin's Creed II Ezio Auditor of Florence Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood Assassin’s Creed: Revelations Assassin’s Creed III Haytham Kenway Templar Ratonhnhaké:ton aka Connor Assassin Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Edward James Kenway Abstergo Entertainment Employee no Assassin's Creed Rogue Shay Patrick Cormac Assassins, later Templars Assassin’s Creed Unity Arno Victor Dorian The player himself as a “novice” Assassin Assassin Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Jacob and Evie Frye Assassin’s Creed Origins Bayek and Aya Layla Hassan Medjai, later Hidden no Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Alexios/Cassandra mercenary Assassin Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Eivor Wolfmark Vikings Assassin's Creed Mirage Basim Ibn Ishaq not applicable Assassin not applicable Assassin's Creed Shadows Yasuke not applicable samurai not applicable Naoe not applicable Shinobi - Assassin not applicable Movies Short films ForAssassin's Creed II,three short films entitled Assassin's Creed: Lineage were made in collaboration withSony Pictures.The content of these short films covers the prequel to Assassin's Creed II . The main character in these films is Giovanni Auditore da Firenze, the father of Ezio Auditore. In addition, an animated short film calledAssassin's Creed: Ascendancewas released in 2010 , which aims to shed more light on the story between Part 2 and Brotherhood . [ 12 ] In 2011, another animated short film was produced forRevelations. It is titledAssassin's Creed: Embersand deals with the last years of Ezio Auditore's life. [ 13 ] Live action → Main article :Assassin's Creed (film) Ubisoft planned alive-action film adaptationof the series for several years, but negotiations with variousfilm studiosfailed. In 2011, Ubisoft founded its own film studio,Ubisoft Motion Pictures. With this studio, the publisher initially attempted to adapt the game as a film alone, in order to reserve as much creative freedom as possible. [ 14 ] Michael Fassbenderplayed the lead role .Justin Kurzelwas responsible for directing . On December 27, 2016, the first film, calledAssassin's Creed,was released in cinemas, and sequels are being considered. [ 15 ] series In early July 2017, producerAdi Shankarannounced that he was working on an Assassin's Creed animation series forUbisoft. [ 16 ] More media Novels Novel adaptations For every game in the main series, with the exception of Assassin's Creed Rogue , a novel was published that retells the story (often expanding it) or takes a closer look at a (minor) character from the respective part. The events in the present are omitted. The first nine books were written byOliver Bowden. TheGerman-languageeditions were published byPanini Verlag. Assassin's Creed: Renaissance (2010) Assassin's Creed: The Brotherhood (2011) Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade (2012) Assassin's Creed: Revelations ( 2012) Assassin's Creed: Forsaken (2013) Assassin's Creed: Black Flag (2013) Assassin's Creed: Unity (2014) Assassin's Creed: Underworld (2015) Assassin's Creed: Origins – The Oath (2017) [ 17 ] Assassin's Creed: Odyssey (2018) byGordon Doherty In 2017, Panini Verlag also published an adaptation of the novel of the same name based on the film Assassin's Creed, written byChristie Golden. Youth book trilogy Since 2016, an independent youth book trilogy aimed at a younger target group has been published. This book series is set in the same game universe and therefore contains cross-references to the games, books, comics and films. The plot is set chronologically after Assassin's Creed Syndicate. TheGerman-languageeditions of the books written byMatthew J. Kirby were published by S. Fischer Verlag. Last Descendants (2016) Last Descendants – The Tomb of Khan (2017) Last Descendants (2018) [ 18 ] Standalone novel In 2016, a standalone novel by Christie Golden was published , Assassin's Creed: Heresy . The German-language edition was published by Panini Verlag . The novel is set in the same game universe and therefore contains cross-references to the games, books, comics and films. The plot is set chronologically between Assassin's Creed Syndicate and the 2016 feature film. comics Ubi Workshop Comics The German-language editions were published byPanini Verlag. The first two volumes were created byKarl KerschlandCameron Stewart . Brenden Fletcheralso worked on the third volume. The comics are set in the same game universe. While the present-day action of the first two volumes is chronologically set before Assassin's Creed , volume 3 is set between Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and Assassin's Creed Rogue . Assassin's Creed, Vol. 1: Downfall (2011) Assassin's Creed, Vol. 2: The Chain (2012) Assassin's Creed, Vol. 3: Brahman (2014) Titan Comics SplitterVerlag publishes German-language editions of the EnglishTitan Comicscomic series. In addition to the regular edition, a limited edition with an alternative cover and additional material from the creation process is published for each volume. They are all part of the same game universe and may be important in the context of the ongoing plot. Authors and artists who worked on the comics:Anthony Del Col,Conor McCreery,Neil Edwards,Fred Van Lente,Dennis Calero,Dan Watters,Alex Paknadel,José Holder,Ian Edginton,Caspar Wijngaard,Valeria FavocciaLiu Yan. Assassin's Creed: Chronologically from Assassin's Creed Syndicate Assassin's Creed Vol. 1: Trial by Fire (2016) Assassin's Creed Vol. 2: Sunset (2017) Assassin's Creed Vol. 3: Homecoming (2018) [ 19 ] Templars: Volume 1 chronologically after Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag . Volume 2 chronologically after Assassin's Creed Syndicate . Assassin's Creed – Templars Vol 1: Black Cross (2017) Assassin's Creed – Templars Vol 2: Cross of War (2017) Uprising: Chronologically according to the two series mentioned above and the movie. Assassin's Creed: Uprising (2018) [ 20 ] Reflections: Chronologically after the movie Assassin's Creed: Reflections Collection ** Last Descendants: Chronologically between volumes one and two of the young adult book trilogy of the same name Last Descendants – Locus ** In 2017, a comic sequel to the game Assassin's Creed Origins will be released, which deals with the first years of the Brotherhood. [ 17 ] ** * No German title yet **Not yet published by any German publisher The Two Kingdoms Comics The German-language editions of the French comic series Les Deux Royaumes are also published bySplitterPublisher . Cycle one was written by Eric Corbeyran and drawn by Djillali Defali . This cycle is not considered part of the same game universe. The second cycle, however, written by Guillaume Dorison and drawn by Jean-Baptiste Hostache , is currently considered part of it. Cycle 1 Assassin's Creed: Volume 1. Desmond (2011) Assassin's Creed: Volume 2. Aquilus (2011) Assassin's Creed: Volume 3. Accipiter (2011) Assassin's Creed: Volume 4. Hawk (2012) Assassin's Creed: Volume 5. El Cakr (2013) Assassin's Creed: Volume 6. Leila (2015) Cycle 2 Assassin's Creed Conspiracies: Volume 1. The Bell (2017) Manga The manga Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag: Kakusei was written byTakashi YanoandKenji Ōiwaand was published in Germany by Tokyopop as Assassin's Creed: Awakening . The manga is not considered part of the same game universe as far as the present is concerned. The plot in the past differs greatly from that of the game Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag . Solution books Solution books are step-by-step instructions, some of which are illustrated, to help you find the best and quickest way through a game. Depending on the editor/publisher, these books show how the player can use their fighting style, skills and weapons in the game as successfully as possible. Hidden places, trophies, rewards and collectibles can be shown, as well as solutions to any riddles or puzzles. The books often come with additional plans, posters or other "add-ons" for the respective game. Starting with the main seriesAssassin's Creed Syndicate,the book is part of the so-called limited "Collector's Edition" of the respective main series and is sold with the game and some other additional features such as game figures, etc. Assassin's Creed - Official Strategy Guide – November 21, 2007; Koch Media GmbH; Assassin's Creed II - Official Strategy Guide - November 19, 2009; ; ISBN 978-1-906064-52-5 Assassin's Creed II - Brotherhood - Official Strategy Guide - November 18, 2010; ; ISBN 978-1-906064-77-8 Assassin's Creed II - Revelations - Official Strategy Guide - November 15, 2011; ; ISBN 978-1-908172-08-2 Assassin's Creed III - Official Strategy Guide - October 31, 2012; ; ISBN 978-1-908172-23-5 Assassin's Creed IV - Black Flack - Official Strategy Guide - October 29, 2013; ; ISBN 978-1-908172-40-2 Assassin's Creed Unity - Official Strategy Guide - November 13, 2014; ; ISBN 978-1-908172-69-3 Assassin's Creed Syndicate - Official Strategy Guide (Collector's Edition) - November 3, 2015;; ISBN 978-88-6631-218-5 Assassin's Creed Origins - Official Strategy Guide (Collector's Edition) - 2017;; ISBN 978-88-6631-276-5 Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Official Strategy Guide (Collector's Edition) - October 5, 2018; Bandai Namco Entertainment Germany; ISBN 978-88-6631-310-6 Assassin's Creed Mirage - Walkthrough [ 21 ] - October 11, 2023; Independently published; ISBN 979-8-86403731-7 Other publications The Assassin's Creed Encyclopedia 2.0 was released in December 2012. In addition to a lot ofartwork, it contains a lot of information about the facts, plots, characters and locations of the game universe. In May 2014 , Christie Goldenpublished the book Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag: Blackbeard - The Lost Logbook. In November 2014, the same author published the book Assassin's Creed: Unity: Abstergo Entertainment - Employee Handbook (Case File 44412: Arno Dorian) . Neither book is a novel, but each tells its own story. In November 2015,Matt Miller’s non-fiction book Assassin 's Creed: The Visual Power of an Epic was published by Panini Verlag. On November 19, 2018, Assassin's Creed: The Ultimate Compendium was released, a book similar to the 2012 encyclopedia but with a more up-to-date version. reception Aggregated ratings title Metacritic OpenCritic Assassin’s Creed 81/100 [ 22 ] Assassin's Creed II 90/100 [ 23 ] Assassin’s Creed III 84/100 [ 24 ] Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag 85/100 [ 25 ] Assassin's Creed Rogue 70/100 [ 26 ] Assassin’s Creed Unity 71/100 [ 27 ] Assassin’s Creed Syndicate 77/100 [ 28 ] Assassin’s Creed Origins 85/100 [ 29 ] Assassin’s Creed Odyssey 84/100 [ 30 ] Assassin’s Creed Valhalla 83/100 [ 31 ] Assassin's Creed Mirage 76/100 [ 32 ] The first part of the series was not well-rounded in terms of gameplay, but the improved second part is probably the best part of the entire series. After the end of the third part, the plot was actually complete, but the commercial success brought with it further parts that offered irrelevant subplots or even ran counter to the canon. The gameplay also moved away from the assassin game principle towards role-playing mechanics. [ 33 ] New parts were created within a very short time and were therefore denounced by critics as assembly line products. [ 34 ] Assassin's Creed is one ofUbisoft's most important brands. In order to expand the target group, games of various genres were created under the label andmobile gamespin-offs were also released. [ 35 ] Recreated historical locations from many different times can be discovered. The atmosphere of the game is described as mystical. [ 36 ] "People have always tried to reconstruct and represent the past of their ancestors. Technological progress is developing ever finer tools for this and already enables the almost perfect illusion of experiencing the past up close." Madaus Andre 2019: Uni 4.0: Games in the lecture hall [ 36 ] Assassin Blade The Assassin’s Blade, also known as the Hidden Blade , is a weapon invented by the gaming company Ubisoft for their video game series Assassin's Creed. [ 37 ] Replicas are now available for purchase. [ 38 ] The special feature of the Assassin's Blade is that a retractable and extendable blade is attached to the forearm, enabling new killing techniques. The Assassin's Blade has made the leap from fiction to reality. Assassin Blade The blade is triggered by pressing a button or a finger ring with a rope connection to the mechanism on the forearm, and shoots forward. In addition to versions with a pointed blade, the hook blade (for climbing) exists in the fictional AC universe. [ 39 ] Weblinks Commons : Assassin's Creed – Collection of images, videos and audio files Official website German Assassin's Creed Wiki References Assassin's Creed (2007) - Historical Figures. 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