From the markscheme:
Candidates will give an account of the similarities and differences between the impact of two leaders on the development of the Cold War, referring to both leaders throughout. While the focus of the response must be within the timeframe of this topic, the chosen leaders need not have been contemporaries. They must, however, be drawn from different regions. The response must compare specifically the ways in which the chosen leaders affected the course of the Cold War and this could be addressed with reference to their policies that may or may not have improved or worsened superpower relations. Alternatively, leaders of smaller states may have had considerable impact on the course of the Cold War by commencing actions that may have led to wars or crises.
From a student who received a final grade of '7' in the course in May 2022 (click to enlarge):
Example II:
EXAMPLE III (click to enlarge)
You mentioned a number of examples like the Marshall Plan, Comecon, Bolshoi speech, Berlin Blockade, NATO, and the arms race but without the depth I'd want nor linked explicitly to the essay's argument. For instance, you write about the Marshall Plan in terms of its intentions and Soviet perceptions, but the analysis of its broader significance in worsening superpower relations is underdeveloped. Similarly, Stalin’s expansionist policies are noted, but your evaluation of their comparative impact with Truman's containment policy is superficial. I think you tried to place events in their historical context, but the understanding of historical concepts such as containment versus expansionism is limited.
Most importantly for such a question asking you to explicitly compare the two men, yours is weak. Whilst Truman and Stalin are mentioned within the same paragraphs, you don't really make the links between their respective actions. For example, you just wrote how the Marshall Plan and Comecon were contrasting economic policies. OK. So? How did these impact Cold War dynamics? How did they develop the Cold War? In what way? For your sections on NATO and the Korean War, you touch on opposing strategies but didn't evaluate how these approaches shaped the conflict relative to each leader's goals. You made some links, but they're just not explicit, reducing the effectiveness of the comparisons.
At times you moved beyond description to include some analysis, but it wasn't sustained. For example, the reference to Stalin’s duplicity in the Bolshoi speech versus his Potsdam appearance was really insightful but not fully developed into an analysis of its impact on Cold War tensions compared to Truman’s policies. There was little evaluation of perspectives beyond a brief mention of Kennan’s observations about Soviet paranoia, which you didn't use for the broader argument. Your conclusion summarised the argument but didn't synthesise the comparative analysis effectively or evaluate the extent of each leader's impact on the Cold War.
From the May 2023 paper 2 exam:
With reference to two leaders, each from a different region, evaluate their impact on the development of the Cold War.
(This essay received 12/15)
As the Cold War unfolded from the years following World War II to 1991, relations between the United States and the Soviet Union soured and were mired in tension. However, the development of these tensions heavily relied on the leaders in power in the United States and the USSR, as well as their attitudes towards their respective adversaries. U.S. President Harry Truman's aggressive foreign policy heightened tensions for the U.S. following World War II, whereas Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev's leadership helped ease these tensions and bring an end to the Cold War.
Harry Truman assumed the role of U.S. President after the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1945, just as World War II was ending. The U.S. was still involved in the grand alliance between the British Empire and the Soviet Union. However, while Roosevelt got along with Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, Truman and Stalin disliked each other, and relations soured until the great alliance was broken down. Under Truman's leadership, the Soviet Union went from an ally to an adversary.
The U.S. transformed into an adversary through several foreign policy decisions following the "Long Telegram" from U.S. ambassador to the USSR, Kennan, which warned of Soviet hostilities towards the U.S. Truman and U.S. officials adopted the theory of containment, which advocated for preventing the spread of communism anywhere in the world. This led to the adoption of the domino theory, which suggested that if one nation fell to communism, the countries in the surrounding region would also fall. These aggressive foreign policies were also influenced by NSC-68 in 1950, which claimed that America's vital interests were global and advocated for military intervention to prevent the spread of communism. These policies led Truman to adopt the Truman Doctrine in 1947 and the Marshall Plan in 1948, both of which offered economic assistance to European countries as long as they rejected communism. Containment and the domino theory not only influenced Truman's Cold War foreign policy but also continued throughout other presidencies, justifying U.S. involvement in Vietnam and various Latin American countries such as Chile, Guatemala, and Grenada. Truman's aggressive foreign policy heightened tensions that were maintained for several decades thereafter.
Gorbachev's leadership was also significant in the development of the Cold War. He was the Soviet leader during two crises: the Berlin blockade and subsequent airlift of 1948 to 1949, and the Korean War from 1950 to 1951. During the Berlin blockade, Stalin blocked all supply lines from the West to West Berlin, leaving nearly two million citizens without basic supplies and electricity. Truman and the Western allies were forced to think creatively to support these citizens while avoiding war, resulting in the airlift. Truman defied Stalin's inhumane decision-making and chose to protect U.S. interests. Similarly, Truman sought to protect U.S. anti-communist interests by sending UN troops, mainly comprised of U.S. soldiers, to protect South Korea from falling to communism. The Korean War was the first of many instances when containment and the domino theory were used to justify intervention. Thus, while the Cold War was mainly a heightening of superpower tensions, Truman set the status quo for U.S. military intervention to protect its interests and fight against communism.
While Truman heightened tensions in the early days of the Cold War, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev's policies and attitudes helped ease tensions between the U.S. and the USSR from 1985 to 1991. When Gorbachev came into power in 1985, he ushered in a new era of much younger leadership that was open to reform. With the Soviet economy stagnant, food prices rising, and internal opposition growing, Gorbachev decided to implement change. Starting in 1986, he introduced a policy of perestroika or restructuring, overseeing economic reforms that spilled into political reforms. The next year, Gorbachev introduced democratization, allowing elements of democracy to integrate into Soviet society. Then, in 1988, Gorbachev announced glasnost or openness, allowing citizens to discuss the past and critique the government. With these new reforms, Gorbachev completely shifted the modalities of power used to maintain communist control in the Soviet Union. Gorbachev's policies not only influenced internal decisions but also reignited diplomatic relations. In 1987, Gorbachev negated the Brezhnev Doctrine, which allowed Soviet intervention to protect communist interests in Warsaw Pact countries and told satellite states they needed to follow their own path. This contributed to the rebellion of many states like Poland and Czechoslovakia, who transitioned to democratic stages of governance in the years after. After this major change in foreign policy in Eastern Europe, Gorbachev withdrew Soviet troops from Afghanistan and met with U.S. President Ronald Reagan to establish the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and engage in strategic arms reduction talks. With the easing of nuclear warfare tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, tensions decreased until Gorbachev disbanded the Soviet Union in 1991 and established the Commonwealth of Independent States, thereby ending the Cold War. Thus, because of Gorbachev's domestic and diplomatic policies, as well as his cooperation with the U.S., the Cold War was brought to an end.
In conclusion, Truman's hardline stance and aggressive policies to deter communism heightened tensions at the beginning of the Cold War. However, Gorbachev's policies and cooperation allowed for the dissolution of tension and the end of the Cold War. Clearly, through their leadership, the impact of leadership in the development of the Cold War is seen.
Based on the provided mark bands, I would grade the essay as follows:
Focus and structure: 10-12 (Band 2) The essay demonstrates an understanding of the question and maintains a generally well-structured and organized approach. However, there are instances of repetition and lack of clarity in some areas, which prevent it from reaching the highest mark band.
Knowledge and context: 10-12 (Band 2) The essay displays mostly accurate and relevant knowledge of the world history topic. It effectively places events in their historical context, although there could be a deeper understanding of historical concepts to reach the highest mark band.
Examples and links/comparisons: 10-12 (Band 2) The examples chosen are appropriate and relevant, and they are used effectively to support the analysis and evaluation. The essay also makes some effective links and comparisons, but there could be more depth and specificity to achieve a higher mark band.
Analysis, perspectives, and conclusion: 13-15 (Band 1) The essay contains clear and coherent critical analysis. It evaluates different perspectives and integrates this evaluation effectively into the answer. The majority of the main points are substantiated, and the response argues to a consistent conclusion. The essay meets the descriptors of the highest mark band in this category.
Overall, based on the mark bands, I would award this essay a grade of 12 out of 15. It meets three descriptors of the 10-12 mark band and one from the 13-15 mark band. The areas for improvement would be to address any instances of repetition or lack of clarity in the structure, deepen the understanding of historical concepts, and provide more specific and in-depth links/comparisons for a stronger analysis.
Compare and contrast the impact of two leaders, each from a different region, on the development of the Cold War.
It is true that American and Soviet leaders had a significant impact on the development of the Cold War. But not necessarily the most significant. Often depicted simply as a battle between the communist East and capitalist West, the Cold War was, in fact, also a fight within communism itself. Yugoslavia and China are only two of several communist countries that deviated from the Soviet model, which under the unique leadership of Josip Broz Tito and Mao Zedong had the greatest impact on the development of the Cold War. Not only did these two leaders sometimes unnecessarily escalate the tensions between the two major powers, but they also transformed the Cold War: whilst Tito created a third, neutral side, Mao replaced the ‘bipolar world’ with a tripolar one.
Both leaders initially increased rivalry between the USSR and the US, as well as choosing to detach their countries from Soviet alliance to redefine the confrontations throughout the Cold War. On the one hand, Tito brought the USSR and the US into the first Cold War crisis in May 1945, when deciding that Trieste, the region he liberated during World War II, formerly Italian, should become a part of Yugoslavia. The USSR, who did not want the newly capitalist Italy to get the territory, supported Tito, but the US, fearing a communist expansion, backed the Italians. Although often overlooked as a crisis, Trieste is crucial because it brought the already-existing friction between the superpowers into sharp focus, which laid the foundations in which the Cold War developed in Europe. Another instance in which Tito increased tensions between the USSR and the US was in deciding to support the communists in the Greek Civil War, as, according to the Percentages Agreement between Stalin and Churchill in 1944, Greece had been given to the West unofficially. In supporting the communists, the West wrongly interpreted it as Stalin ordering Tito to do so, hence increasing tensions between capitalism and communism further. Similarly, it was Mao who caused the Soviets to intervene in the Korean War in April 1950, and consequently have the Americans get involved. Shen Zhizhua, a historian specialized in the Korean War, argues that Stalin’s only motivation to support North Korea was the ability to use China’s Lushün, more commonly known as Port Arthur, and the CER, the Chinese Eastern Railway. The Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance forced Stalin to return them to Mao, yet they agreed on a clause in which, if the USSR found themselves in a war in Asia, they would be allowed to use them. And that war was in Korea. Meanwhile, the fact that Mao took power in China is what pushed the US to intervene in Korea, as they found containment to be ineffective and developed a more assertive approach, rollback, through NSC-68. Additionally, Mao attempted to invade Taiwan in 1958, which was again erroneously believed to be Khrushchev ordering Mao to do so by the Americans, which once again led to escalating tensions between the East and the West. On the other hand, both leaders would soon antagonize the USSR and undergo a ‘rapprochement’ to the US. The Tito-Stalin Split came in June 1948 during a Cominform meeting in Bucharest, and the Sino-Soviet Split between Mao and Khrushchev between 1960 and 1989. Both showed the world that communist countries were not a unified force under the leadership of the Soviet Union, contrary to what the Americans believed. The breaking alliances are crucial due to the way it redefined the Cold War, since, in the case of both Yugoslavia and China, their leaders chose to align themselves with the US against the USSR, meaning the conflict was no longer communism against capitalism. In Yugoslavia, the US began to aid Tito economically and even militarily by the early 1950s, offering them a place in NATO as well, although Tito declined. In China, trade restrictions were eased, and the US would recognize the People’s Republic of China in the UN, amongst other agreements through Ping-Pong Diplomacy. Overall, Tito and Mao increased tensions between the USSR and the US in Trieste and Greece, as well as Korea and Taiwan respectively, which subsequently increased tensions between the USSR and their countries, and eventually resulted in ‘rapprochement’ to the US against the Soviet Union, redefining the Cold War from a purely ideological to geopolitical conflict.
Contrastingly, Tito and Mao’s distinct ideologies caused their paths after their respective split from the Soviet Union to differ, Tito moving from an alliance to the US to an alliance with neither America or the Soviet Union and Mao choosing to move from an aggressively anti-capitalist foreign policy to cooperating with the US as it recognized the USSR as their number one enemy. Tito believed in allowing countries to find their own way to socialism, what became known as ‘national communism’. After an initial alliance with the USSR and later cooperating with the US, Tito realized that he did not want Yugoslavia to have to support either country, but rather wanted to be neutral. Other countries, such as India, Ghana, Egypt and Indonesia, had the same issue. This desire to remain at peace transformed, in 1961, into the Non-Aligned Movement, which is mostly thanks to Tito himself, an organization of countries that “sought to create an independent path in world politics that would not result in member States becoming pawns in the struggles between major powers”, as stated by the NMA itself. Being in place still today, the NMA was considered the ‘third, peaceful option’ to NATO and the Warsaw Pact. Differently, Mao found an all-out war with the US to end capitalism necessary, yet his animosity was not only directed to America. He denounced Khrushchev after the Secret Speech for his ‘de-Stalinisation’ plans and his policy of ‘peaceful co-existence’, believing that he was ‘soft’ in his attitude toward the US. Even with the removal of Soviet support in the nuclear development of China, Mao managed to be part of the ‘nuclear club’ in 1964. In 1960, the Soviet Union shot down a US U2 spy plane, and the pilot, Gary Powers, was captured. Whilst the USSR and the US wanted to avoid conflict, Mao promoted a military reaction on behalf of the Soviet Union, which Khrushchev rejected. Khrushchev’s ‘softness’ came again in the Cuban Missile Crisis. All these events are highly important, as it demonstrates Mao’s aggressiveness toward both the US and the USSR, which Yugoslavian Tito did not have. Mao made China a sort of third superpower, being, unlike Tito, arguably more assertive than the USSR and the US themselves. Overall, Tito and Mao led different paths in terms of developing the Cold War because, whilst Tito created the ‘third, peaceful option’ in the NA Movement, Mao created a third, hostile superpower.
In conclusion, both Tito and Mao increased tensions between superpowers and underwent a split from the Soviet Union, a rapprochement to the US, and developed a so-called ‘third-way’ in the Cold War, both promoting their country’s independence, but whilst Tito desired peace, Mao wanted war. Yugoslavia and China are often overlooked in teaching the Cold War, prioritising the USSR and the US and defining the Cold War as the ideological battle between communism and capitalism. Yet both leaders, Tito and Mao, show the many layers of the Cold War.
“The actions of individual leaders had a significant impact on the development of the Cold War”. Discuss with reference to two leaders, each from a different region.
From the May 2019 paper 2
and Stalin can certainly be considered amongst the most significant
leaders in the development of the cold war, with Truman pioneering
America’s new foreign policy and international involvement that we can
still see today, to Stalin’s actions in Europe and Asia that were
notably responsible in escalating the cold war tensions between the two
significant impact on the cold war that Truman was responsible for was
America’s radical change in foreign policy, which first manifested
itself in the form of the Truman Doctrine. Truman announced his “Truman
Doctrine” to Congress on March 12, 1947, a response to the Soviet Union
expanding its sphere of influence through Eastern Europe. The Truman
Doctrine was implemented as a means of countering the Soviet
geopolitical expansion, by stating America would support the nations
threatened by Soviet communism, further pledging to aid Greece and
Turkey. Truman taking a hard line against the USSR became the foundation
of America’s new foreign policy, shifting the US’ attitude towards the
Soviet Union from a relaxed co-existence to a containment of communist
expansion. The Truman Doctrine was joined by the Marshall plan, in which
the United States invested 13 billion into numerous European countries
aimed to help rebuild postwar Europe, which led to Stalin creating
Comecon in October of 1948. Furthermore, Truman was responsible for
leading the Berlin airlift in 1948, a campaign that delivered food and
supplies to the city in response to the Soviet imposed blockade. Whilst
it ended successfully, it resulted in a significant increase in tensions
with the USSR, further developing the cold war on an international
level. However, one of the most significant impacts of Truman’s foreign
policy of containment was the outbreak of the Korean war. Along with
marking the first proxy war between the two powers, it was also the
first and only time the United Nations would get militarily involved in
an armed conflict. After the North Korean invasion of the Southern
peninsula, the United States led a UN military force in the war against
the northern invaders. This armed conflict, ‘puppeteered’ by the United
States and Soviet Union, resulted in the rapid escalation of cold war
tensions, which would be soon followed by a number of proxy wars and
actions in Europe. Before 1947, the US was isolationist. Truman’s
radical change of American foreign policy resulted in the US joining the
world bank, NATO, UN, and a plethora of other international
associations. Without Truman, the United States would not have been
involved in rebuilding the European economy, and certainly would not
have been able to guarantee the Asian prosperity we see today.
Truman’s impact on stemmed from his reactions to these cold war crises,
Stalin was significant due to being the main perpetrator of said
events. In 1948, Stalinist forces took control over Czechoslovakia, with
Stalin also backing the communist forces in the Greek Civil War and
making territorial claims in Turkey, all of which instigated American
responses that further increased tensions between the two countries. One
of Stalin’s most significant actions was the blockade of West Berlin,
which resulted in Europe becoming divided into two opposing sides – the
US-backed NATO in the West, and USSR driven Warsaw Pact in the East. The
Berlin Blockade developed the cold war tensions from being sheer
political disagreements, to opposing pacts that entailed members
agreeing to go to war if any of them were to be attacked. Along with
unnecessarily giving the green light to allow North Korea to invade the
south, Stalin can even be said to have caused the outbreak of the cold
war in the first place, having taken an aggressive stance against the
West at Yalta with his sphere of influence and inability to cooperate
with the other leaders, along with his rapid Soviet expansion in Eastern
Europe. As stated by the late [sic] Andrew Roberts, “Stalin embarked
straight on to the cold war as soon as the world war was over”.
Great men had a significant impact on wars throughout history, most significantly on the cold war. In this essay, the two leaders whose disagreements effectively started the cold war, Joseph Stalin and Harry S. Truman will be considered. Two crises, the Berlin blockade in 1948 and the outbreak of the Korean war in 1950 will be evaluated in order to determine the impact of these two leaders. According to orthodox historians, both crises were orchestrated by Stalin, with Truman taking a more reactive approach. According to the great man theory Truman essentially saved South Korea and Berlin, yet there is little acknowledgement of his heroics, no street names or statues are put up in his name. On the other hand, Stalin has an immortal image in history as a tyrannical, genocidal dictator. This essay will take an orthodox approach, arguing that Stalin and Truman were both instrumental in the development of the cold war, with Stalin orchestrating it and Truman reacting to Stalin’s aggression.
The Berlin blockade was an act of aggression by the Soviet Union, to which the western powers, under Truman’s leadership responded peacefully and effectively. The blockade began on the 12th of May 1948, after the introduction of the Deutschmark and unification of the British, French and American sectors on the 10th of May in 1948. This was a breaking of both the Yalta and Potsdam agreements and was considered an act of aggression by Stalin and the Soviet Union. This can be seen by foreign minister Molotov claiming that the west was united in “acting against the interest of the Soviet Union”. This directly indicates that Stalin considered this to be an act of aggression, therefore responding in kind. This would suggest that Truman took the role of the aggressor and Stalin was simply defending the interests of the Soviet Union and respecting the treaties signed. This is further supported by the fact that the Deutschmark was being distributed in Berlin and was the sole legal tender in West Germany, being worth 10 times the Reichsmark which was the only legal tender in East Germany. This created instability within Berlin, as the new Deutschmark would allow the west to take economic control of the city. The entire city was open, meaning people could travel from east to west, with the Deutschmark having the potential to create economic instability within all east Germany. Therefore, officially, the reason Stalin initiated the blockade was to stop the Deutschmark from entering the German Democratic Republic. On the other hand, it would have been impossible for the Soviets to plan out such a logistical nightmare in one day, highlighting that it had been in the works for months. This would suggest that Stalin was planning to do this anyways, highlighting that he simply used the introduction of the Deutschmark as an excuse to block the west out of west berlin and attempt to seize the city. This seems far more plausible, as Stalin has been proven to be a calculated, evil man who capitalises on opportunities presented to him to consolidate his power. It is clear to see that Stalin initiated this development in the cold war.
Truman, while not directly initiating this rise in tensions, was largely responsible for Stalin’s response. The introduction of the Deutschmark and unification of the three western sectors of Germany was clearly against both Yalta and Potsdam and Truman must have been aware of the fact that the Soviets would not have allowed the Deutschmark into west Berlin. He was therefore clearly instrumental in the start of this crisis. However, his impact on the development of the cold war can more clearly be seen in the western response to the blockade. The fact that west Berlin was still completely supplied by the Americans and British highlights Truman’s impact on the war. He showed the world that the Americans were willing to protect their allies and would do anything to stop the spread of communism. Over 250 thousand flights went into Berlin during the blockade, with a plane landing once every three seconds at the height of the blockade. Therefore, west Berlin was supplied through the air, rendering the soviet blockade ineffective and making them seem like aggressors and the Americans like liberators. The majority of Truman’s generals, such as Lucius clay were demanding an attack on east Germany, yet Truman ordered them to stand down, highlighting that he understood the impact a war with the Soviet Union would have on the world. Therefore, although Truman’s actions to an extent led to the blockade, the fact he chose not to engage in conflict highlights that he to an extent deescalated the crisis in Berlin. However, the planes flying in embarrassed the soviets, heightening tensions as can be seen by the outbreak of the Korean war.
The outbreak of the Korean war was completely orchestrated by Stalin. This can be seen by the green light he gave Kim Il-Sung, which was recently found in the Prague archives. He told Kim Il-Sung that he could invade South Korea if he did so quickly before the United States could intervene, as long as Mao agreed to it. Furthermore, he supported the North Koreans with 20000 trained soldiers and commanders, who taught them military tactics and trained them, and supplied them with over 200 fighter planes as well over 300 tanks. They had a far superior military to the south Koreans, largely due to Stalin’s support. This allowed them to take Seoul within 6 days and drive the South Koreans all the way back to Pusan within two weeks.
On the other hand, the outbreak of the war can be attributed to Dean Acheson’s defense perimeter speech, in which he either purposefully or accidentally ignored south Korea. This, while not necessarily orchestrated by Truman, suggested to Stalin that the United States were not willing to defend South Korea and that they could therefore conquer it without facing much conflict. In response to the invasion, Truman called for a United Nations assembly, in which the US gathered UN troops to liberate South Korea. The Soviet Union, under Stalin’s orders, failed to attend this meeting as they were staging a walkout due to easter bloc countries not having a seat in the UN. The fact that the UN supported South Korea globalized the war, increasing tensions between the US and USSR and isolating the Soviet Union, making them believe the UN was under American control. Therefore, Truman developed and increased tensions by supporting south Korea, which was unavoidable however as Stalin had invaded the country. However, later in the war, Truman had a significant impact on the development of the cold war when firing general McArthur, who was planning on firing nuclear weapons on China, significantly deescalating the conflict as the UN army was no longer led by the man who chose to illegally invade North Korea. All in all, while Truman is considered to have taken a more reactive role in the Korean Civil war, Dean Acheson’s (his secretary of state’s defense perimeter speech clearly had a large impact on the increase in tensions, however his decision to fire general McArthur had a positive impact, decreasing tensions and positively developing the Cold war.
In conclusion, the great man theory applies to these two men, who largely singlehandedly caused the cold war and the crises within it. The paranoia and fear within both of them led to the conflict, one which is still felt to this day. This essay clearly highlights that while Stalin always took the first aggressive action, this action was always done in response to American policy. It also portrays that Truman’s reactions to Stalin’s aggression had a significant impact on the de-escalation of the first two crises of the cold war.