Selection of IBDP History Internal Assessments and Extended Essays

Who Desecrated the Hermai?
What Developments in Roman Politics Lead to the Disaster at Cannae?
Was there a Mass Suicide at Masada?
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How historically accurate is Les Misérables?
Were the Whig government’s economic policies culpable for the effects of the Potato Famine?
Who was Jack the Ripper
Who was Jack the Ripper?
Was Emily Davison suicide
Was Emily Davison's Death a Suicide?
Was Lawrence of Arabia raped
Was Lawrence of Arabia Raped?
Was Mata Hari a spy
Was Mata Hari a Spy?
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Who was to Blame for the Lusitania Sinking?
Was Churchill to Blame for the Dardanelles Disaster?
Who killed rasputin
Who Killed Rasputin?
What role did the Aurora Play in the Storming of the Winter Palace?
 How far can Lenin be considered an Orthodox Marxist?
What was Alexandra Kollontai's Influence on the Russian Revolution?
How important was Trotsky's role in the Bolshevik Revolution of October 1917?
IBDP History Extended Essay Example   Rosa Luxemburg and the Spartacist Uprising
Did Rosa Luxemburg Support the Spartacist Uprising?

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Did Lenin Aim to Remove Stalin? Was the Testament a Fraud?

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How Many Died in the Holodomor? What led to it?
Kirov murder
Who Killed Kirov?
What's the truth behind the Marco Polo Incident?
What were the origins of Hitler's pathological anti-Semitism?
Who set fire to the Reichstag
Who was responsible for the Reichstag Fire?
Did Hitler Order Dolfuss's Assassination?
Did Frank Capa fake The Falling Soldier photograph?
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free essays IAs and EEs on the Wannsee Conference
How significant was the Wannsee Conference in the history of the Holocaust?
Did Chuchill Sacrifice Coventry to keep the Enigma Code Secret?
Was the Royal Navy's Bombing of the French fleet at Oran Justified?
Was there a serious French Resistance?
How many did the Japanese Slaughter at Nanking?
How Significant was the Hossbach Memorandum?
Internal Assessments relating to the Munich Agreement
Was Anne Frank Betrayed?
Who Betrayed Anne Frank?
Skorzeny and Operation Eiche
What Did Otto Skorzeny Actually Do?
Did Hitler have Parkinson's disease
Did Hitler Have Parkinson's Disease?
Was Hitler a drug addict
Was Hitler a Meth Addict?
Why did Rudolf Hess fly to Scotland
What's the truth behind Hess's flight to Scotland?
Was Rommel a hero or a myth?
Admiral Canaris and resistance to hitler
Did Canaris play a significant role in the resistance against Hitler?
What was the purpose of the Nazis' inhuman medical experiments?
Did FDR know Pearl Harbour in advance
Did FDR know about Pearl Harbour in advance?
IAs and EEs on Leni Riefenstahl
Was Leni Riefenstahl Guilty of Nazi crimes?
Should the US have dropped the bomb
Was the dropping of the atomic bombs necessary?
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Should we have bombed Auschwitz?
Albert Speer and the Holocaust
What did Speer know about the Holocaust?

What happened during the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp?
How did Hitler die
How did Hitler die?

Dyatlov Pass Incident
What happened at the Dyatlov Pass?
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To what extent did George F. Kennan’s Long Telegram shape US foreign policy during the Cold War?
What were the American motives behind the Marshall Plan between 1947 and 1952?
free essays on Cuban Missile Crisis
What was Castro's role during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Who killed Kennedy
Who killed Kennedy?

Was America’s enactment on the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution justified?
Rwandan Genocide
How far was France to blame for the Rwandan Genocide?
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Churchill and Israel
What was Churchill's role in the creation of Israel?
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To what extent is James Cook used as a scapegoat to account for the imposition of Western ideas in Hawaii?
Haig butcher of the somme
 Was Haig really the 'Butcher of the Somme'?
Chinese Labour CorpsBattle of Cable StreetNazi Ideology & Art
 Was the Degenerate Art Exhibition really an embarrassing failure?
Did Hitler have only one testicle?
Was the firebombing of Dresden justified?
Was Stalin Murdered?
Was Stalin Poisoned?
Was Ethel Rosenberg guilty?